APRIL FOOLS 2023 If you read my write-up on the Quest 255 bug for Dragon Quest IX, then it might not be a surprise to hear that using Action replay codes can lead to some unusual events in-game. The aforementioned Quest 255 was leftover data from a cut sidequest in the game that was reactivated […]
Author: Aust
Quest 255 – The Secret Sidequest of Dragon Quest IX – Proquest #007
If you are a fan of Dragon Quest IX then you might be aware that the number of sidequests in the game totals 184, if you’ve unlocked the DLC. However not very long after the game launched, some players encountered something strange. They found an NPC offering up Quest #255, an unbeatable directive that contains […]
Dragon Quest Treasures Has Taken Over Our Home – Proquest #006
I get pretty obsessive about DQ, so it was out of the norm this year when I found myself not at all hyped for Quest Treasures. I didn’t really have a clear picture of what the game would be like and the fact that it was born from the ashes of an abandoned DQ Monsters […]
Dragon Quest IX Online Multiplayer Through Parsec & MelonDS – Proquest #005
Want to play DQ9 with your friends but can’t because they’re halfway around the world from you? Well now you (sorta) can. Using the magic of emulators and remote access, it’s possible to reliably play through DQ9 with friends! Originally this was possible but due to timing for local wifi disconnects were extremely common. Thanks […]
Dragon Quest IV DS Party Chat Patch – Proquestination #004
Current: 2024-02-21 Previous versions: DQ4PartyChatPatch1.0 For JP.NDSDQ4PartyChatPatch1.0 For JP.NDS Mirror (Romhacking.net)DQ4PartyChatPatch1.0 For US.NDS Credit for the new patching method goes to scbroede on Github — https://github.com/scbroede/dq4-partychat-patcher THERE IS A NEW VERSION OF THE PATCH THAT USES A NEW METHOD. PLEASE NOTE THAT MOST OF THE FOLLOWING TECHNICAL DETAILS ARE NO LONGER APPLICABLE Download links for […]
Return to Monkey Island Review – Proquestination #003
Return to Monkey Island is here and so I’ve decided to try my hand at giving it a review. But since I cannot do anything without bringing up nostalgia, first we have to talk a little about my introduction to the series. I received Curse of Monkey Island (1997) as a kid for my birthday. […]
Pneumonia Sucks – Proquestination #002
School Sickness Season is upon us! Aust Jr. started his first year of preschool in mid-August and the Nerevar House hasn’t been healthy since. The First Sickening Cold number one occurred around the twentieth of August. My son was actually sick on the day of his birthday party. The poor little guy only had energy […]
How To Access Dragon Quest IX DLC in 2022 – Proquestination #001
Want to access the DLC for DQ9 in 2022? Did you miss out on all the Wi-Fi Connection fun in Dragon Quest IX like I did? You came to the series late or perhaps didn’t have internet access back before Nintendo shut down the WFC servers. Well, thanks to wiimmfi.de you can now access content […]
Half-Life Steam Review
If you’ve never played a Half-Life game and aren’t relatively familiar with the story and franchise, then this review might be for you. If you’re just looking for a fresh perspective on one of your favorite classics then this review might also be for you. This was the first time I have ever played a […]
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Steam Review
Oh man, this game is something. I can remember the first time I heard about it. Toonami, on the Cartoon Network, ran a review for Morrowind when it came out. I just remember the open world, do anything you want, mechanic appealing so much to me. I was twelve then, and had not really ever […]