(This was written as a joke between me and some Discord friends. It’s garbage. Don’t read it.) A guy named Erdrick travels the world in a mission to tally up how many half-siblings he has. Along the way, he inadvertantly kills a Baramos and then falls in a hole. He disovers that inside of the […]
I’m at a Neurology appointment today. It’s just a followup, if memory serves correctly, but I believe we’ll be talking about medication. He’s going to have me start doing injection therapy for migraines and then slowly wean off of one of the daily pills I take. I’m not thrilled about the prospect of the injections, […]
2023-11-21 – Today marks the birth of my daughter! Yep that’s what I wrote six months ago before being distracted by something and immediately forgetting about this post. Looks like the last thing I wrote was Minecraft Memories almost a year ago. Whoops. I didn’t forget about the blog, it’s just been hard to find […]