"use strict"; // build our menu on init jQuery( function($) { var mqQueryMenuMode = window.matchMedia ? window.matchMedia("(max-width: 910px)") : {matches: false}; var mqMobileMode = window.matchMedia ? window.matchMedia("(max-width: 500px)") : {matches: false}; var $HTML = $J('html'); window.UseTouchFriendlyMode = function() { return $HTML.hasClass( 'responsive' ) && ( mqQueryMenuMode.matches || $HTML.hasClass('touch') ); }; window.UseSmallScreenMode = function() { return $HTML.hasClass( 'responsive' ) && mqQueryMenuMode.matches; }; window.UseMobileScreenMode = function() { return $HTML.hasClass( 'responsive' ) && mqMobileMode.matches; }; window.UseTabletScreenMode = function() { return $HTML.hasClass( 'responsive' ) && $HTML.hasClass( 'tablet' ); }; window.UseNewMobileAppMode = function() { // the new mobile app can run on screen widths wider than responsive_css_maxwidth return $HTML.hasClass( 'responsive' ) && $HTML.hasClass( 'rn_mobile_app' ); }; // main menu var $Menu = $('#responsive_page_menu'); var $Frame = $('.responsive_page_frame'); var $ContentCtn = $('.responsive_page_content' ); var $ContentOverlay = $('.responsive_page_content_overlay'); var fnResetMenuState = function() { $Frame.removeClass( 'mainmenu_active'); $Frame.removeClass('localmenu_active'); $J(document.body).removeClass( 'overflow_hidden' ); $ContentOverlay.off( 'click.ReponsiveMenuDismiss'); }; $J(document).on('click.OnClickDismissMenu', '.responsive_OnClickDismissMenu', fnResetMenuState ); var strLastExpandedSubmenu = WebStorage.GetLocalSession( 'responsiveMenuLastSubmenu' ); var fnMakeExpandableMenuItem = function( $MenuItem, $Submenu ) { $MenuItem.append( $J('
', {'class': 'chevron' } ) ); var $SubmenuWrapper = $J('', {'class': 'menuitem_submenu_wrapper' }); $MenuItem.after( $SubmenuWrapper.append( $Submenu ) ); $Submenu.wrap( $('', {'class': 'inner_borders' } ) ); // if this was the last used submenu, start with it expanded if ( strLastExpandedSubmenu && strLastExpandedSubmenu == $Submenu.data('submenuid') ) { $SubmenuWrapper.css( 'height', $Submenu.height() + 'px' ); $MenuItem.addClass( 'submenu_active' ); $SubmenuWrapper.addClass('active'); } else { $SubmenuWrapper.css( 'height', 0 ); } $Submenu.show(); $MenuItem.click( function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( $SubmenuWrapper.hasClass('active' ) ) { $SubmenuWrapper.removeClass('active' ).css('height',0); $MenuItem.removeClass('submenu_active'); WebStorage.SetLocalSession( 'responsiveMenuLastSubmenu', null ); } else { $SubmenuWrapper.siblings( '.menuitem_submenu_wrapper.active' ).css('height',0 ).removeClass('active'); $MenuItem.siblings('.menuitem').removeClass('submenu_active'); $SubmenuWrapper.css( 'height', $Submenu.height() + 'px' ); $MenuItem.addClass( 'submenu_active' ); $SubmenuWrapper.addClass('active'); WebStorage.SetLocalSession( 'responsiveMenuLastSubmenu', $Submenu.data('submenuid') ); } }); }; var fnBuildMenuEvents = function( $Menu, strMenuName, fnFirstTimeInitialization ) { var strActiveClass = strMenuName + '_active'; var fnGPOnClosingModalWindow = null; var fnDismissMenu = function() { $ContentCtn.off( 'click.ReponsiveMenuDismiss'); $Frame.removeClass(strActiveClass); $J(document.body).removeClass('overflow_hidden' ); // tell gamepad navigation we're closing the menu if ( fnGPOnClosingModalWindow ) { fnGPOnClosingModalWindow(); fnGPOnClosingModalWindow = null; } window.setTimeout( function() { if ( !$Frame.hasClass('mainmenu_active') && !$Frame.hasClass('localmenu_active') ) { fnResetMenuState(); } }, 500 ); }; var bInitialized = false; var fnActivateMenu = function() { if ( !bInitialized ) { fnFirstTimeInitialization && fnFirstTimeInitialization(); bInitialized = true; } if ( $Frame.hasClass( strActiveClass ) ) { fnDismissMenu(); } else { $J(document.body).addClass('overflow_hidden' ); $Menu.removeClass('secondary_active'); $Frame.addClass( strActiveClass ); $ContentOverlay.one( 'click.ResponsiveMenuDismiss', function() { fnDismissMenu(); }); // tell gamepad navigation to treat this menu as a modal dialog if ( typeof GPOnShowingModalWindow === "function" ) fnGPOnClosingModalWindow = GPOnShowingModalWindow( $Menu.get( 0 ) ); } }; return { fnActivateMenu: fnActivateMenu, fnDismissMenu: fnDismissMenu }; }; var fnInitMainMenu = function() { $('.responsive_page_menu' ).find( '.supernav').each( function() { var $Element = $(this); $Element.attr('href',''); var strSubmenuSelector = $Element.data('tooltip-content'); var $Submenu = $Element.parent().find(strSubmenuSelector); if ( $Submenu.length ) { fnMakeExpandableMenuItem( $Element, $Submenu ); } }); var $NotificationItem = $Menu.find( '.notifications_item' ); var $NotificationSubmenu = $Menu.find('.notification_submenu'); if ( $NotificationItem.length && $NotificationSubmenu.length ) { fnMakeExpandableMenuItem( $NotificationItem, $NotificationSubmenu ); } Responsive_BuildChangeLanguageOption( $Menu.find( '.change_language_action' ) ); }; var MainMenuEvents = null; if ( $Menu.length ) { MainMenuEvents = fnBuildMenuEvents( $Menu, 'mainmenu', fnInitMainMenu ); $('#responsive_menu_logo' ).click( function( e ) { MainMenuEvents.fnActivateMenu(); } ); } // local (page-specific) menu var $LocalMenuContent = $('.responsive_local_menu'); var $LocalMenu = null; var LocalMenuEvents = null; if ( $LocalMenuContent.length ) { var bLocalMenuEnabed = false; var rgMenuContents = []; var fnInitLocalMenu = function() { if ( rgMenuContents.length ) return; for ( var i = 0; i < $LocalMenuContent.length; i++ ) { var $LocalMenuElement = $($LocalMenuContent[i] ).wrap( $J('', {'class': 'responsive_local_menu_placeholder' } ) ); var $LocalMenuWrapper = $($LocalMenuContent[i]).parent(); rgMenuContents.push( { wrapper: $LocalMenuWrapper, content: $LocalMenuElement }); } }; $LocalMenu = $J('#responsive_page_local_menu'); var $Affordance = $J('.responsive_local_menu_tab'); LocalMenuEvents = fnBuildMenuEvents( $LocalMenu, 'localmenu' ); $Affordance.click( function( e ) { LocalMenuEvents.fnActivateMenu(); }); g_fnActivateLocalMenu = LocalMenuEvents.fnActivateMenu; $(window ).on( 'Responsive_SmallScreenModeToggled.ReponsiveLocalMenu', function() { var bShouldUseResponsiveMenu = UseSmallScreenMode(); if ( bLocalMenuEnabed != bShouldUseResponsiveMenu ) { if ( bShouldUseResponsiveMenu ) { $Affordance.addClass( 'active' ); fnInitLocalMenu(); $LocalMenu.find('.localmenu_content' ).append( $LocalMenuContent ); } else { fnResetMenuState(); $Affordance.removeClass('active'); for ( var i = 0; i < rgMenuContents.length; i++ ) { rgMenuContents[i].wrapper.append( rgMenuContents[i].content ); } } bLocalMenuEnabed = bShouldUseResponsiveMenu; } } ).trigger( 'Responsive_SmallScreenModeToggled.ReponsiveLocalMenu'); // menu is available, so set the action description for the page content. GPNavUpdateActionDescriptions( $('#responsive_page_template_content'), { onOptionsActionDescription:'Menu' } ); $('#responsive_page_template_content').on( 'vgp_onoptions', function() { LocalMenuEvents.fnActivateMenu(); } ); } Responsive_InitMenuSwipes( $, $Menu, $LocalMenu, MainMenuEvents, LocalMenuEvents ); Responsive_InitFixOnScroll( $ ); Responsive_InitTouchDetection( $ ); Responsive_InitTabSelect( $ ); Responsive_InitResponsiveToggleEvents( $ ); Responsive_InitJQPlotHooks( $ ); if ( window.UseTabletScreenMode && window.UseTabletScreenMode() ) Responsive_InitForTablet( $ ); }); function Responsive_InitForTablet( $ ) { // support using gamepad to change slider position $( 'input[type=range]' ).on( 'vgp_ondirection', function( event ) { if ( event.originalEvent.detail.button == 11 || event.originalEvent.detail.button == 12 ) { if ( event.originalEvent.detail.button == 11 ) // EGamepadButton.DIR_LEFT this.stepDown(); else if ( event.originalEvent.detail.button == 12 ) // EGamepadButton.DIR_RIGHT this.stepUp(); $( this ).trigger( 'input' ).trigger( 'change' ); return false; // prevent the message from propagating } } ); } function Responsive_InitMenuSwipes( $, $Menu, $LocalMenu, MainMenuEvents, LocalMenuEvents ) { if ( !MainMenuEvents && !LocalMenuEvents ) return; var $Frame = $('.responsive_page_frame'); // set up touch drag events var bInMainMenuDrag = false; var bInLocalMenuDrag = false; var bInDismissMenuDrag = false; var bLooksLikeSwipe = false; var nDragMenuWidth = 0; var nCurDragOffset = 0; var nTouchStartPageX = 0; // page/CSS coordinates because that's how we measure the menu width var nTouchStartPageY = 0; var fnGetSingleTouch = function(e) { var TouchEvent = e.originalEvent; var rgTouches = TouchEvent ? TouchEvent.touches : null; if ( !rgTouches || rgTouches.length != 1 ) return null; return rgTouches[0]; }; var fnCancelDrag = function() { $Frame.removeClass('in_menu_drag'); if ( bLooksLikeSwipe ) { var DragMenuEvents = bInMainMenuDrag ? MainMenuEvents : LocalMenuEvents; var $DragMenu = bInMainMenuDrag ? $Menu : $LocalMenu; $DragMenu.parents('.responsive_page_menu_ctn' ).css( 'left', '' ).css( 'right', '' ); if ( ( !bInDismissMenuDrag && nCurDragOffset < nDragMenuWidth / 2 ) || ( bInDismissMenuDrag && nCurDragOffset > nDragMenuWidth / 2 ) ) { DragMenuEvents.fnDismissMenu(); } } bInLocalMenuDrag = bInMainMenuDrag = bLooksLikeSwipe = bInDismissMenuDrag = false; }; $(window ).on('touchstart.ResponsiveMenuActivate', function(e) { if ( !UseSmallScreenMode() ) return; var Touch = fnGetSingleTouch(e); if ( !Touch ) return; if ( $Frame.hasClass('mainmenu_active') ) { if ( Touch.clientX > $Menu.width() * 0.9 ) { bInMainMenuDrag = true; bInDismissMenuDrag = true; } } else if ( $Frame.hasClass('localmenu_active') ) { if ( Touch.clientX < ( window.innerWidth - $LocalMenu.width() * 0.9 ) ) { bInLocalMenuDrag = true; bInDismissMenuDrag = true; } } else { var nClientXAsPct = 100 * Touch.clientX / window.innerWidth; bInDismissMenuDrag = false; if ( nClientXAsPct > 93 && LocalMenuEvents ) bInLocalMenuDrag = true; else if ( nClientXAsPct < 7 && MainMenuEvents ) bInMainMenuDrag = true; } if ( bInLocalMenuDrag || bInMainMenuDrag ) { bLooksLikeSwipe = false; nTouchStartPageX = Touch.pageX; nTouchStartPageY = Touch.pageY; } }); $(window ).on('touchmove.ResponsiveMenuActive', function(e) { if ( !bInLocalMenuDrag && !bInMainMenuDrag ) return; var Touch = fnGetSingleTouch(e); if ( !Touch ) return; var nDeltaPageX = Touch.pageX - nTouchStartPageX; var nDeltaPageY = Touch.pageY - nTouchStartPageY; if ( ( bInLocalMenuDrag && !bInDismissMenuDrag ) || ( bInMainMenuDrag && bInDismissMenuDrag ) ) nDeltaPageX = -nDeltaPageX; var DragMenuEvents = bInMainMenuDrag ? MainMenuEvents : LocalMenuEvents; var $DragMenu = bInMainMenuDrag ? $Menu : $LocalMenu; if ( !bLooksLikeSwipe && nDeltaPageX > 25 && nDeltaPageX > nDeltaPageY * 2 ) { // horizontal drag $Frame.addClass('in_menu_drag'); if ( !bInDismissMenuDrag ) DragMenuEvents.fnActivateMenu(); //$Frame.addClass( bInLocalMenuDrag ? 'localmenu_active' : 'mainmenu_active' ); nDragMenuWidth = $DragMenu.width(); bLooksLikeSwipe = true; } else if ( nDeltaPageY > 2 * nDeltaPageX ) { // looks like scrolling? fnCancelDrag(); return; } if ( bLooksLikeSwipe ) { nCurDragOffset = Math.max( Math.min( nDeltaPageX, nDragMenuWidth ), 0 ); var nOffset = bInDismissMenuDrag ? -nCurDragOffset : -(nDragMenuWidth - nCurDragOffset); $DragMenu.parents('.responsive_page_menu_ctn' ).css( bInLocalMenuDrag ? 'right' : 'left', nOffset + 'px' ); } }); $(window ).on('touchend.ResponsiveMenuActivate touchcancel.ResponsiveMenuActivate', function(e) { fnCancelDrag(); }); } function Responsive_InitTouchDetection( $ ) { var $HTML= $J('html'); if ( !$HTML.hasClass('touch') && $HTML.hasClass('responsive') ) { $J(window ).one('touchstart', function() { // user is on a touch device - enable touch-friendly accessors and // remember for the rest of this session $HTML.addClass('touch'); V_SetCookie( "strResponsiveViewPrefs", 'touch', 0 ); } ); } } function Responsive_InitTabSelect( $ ) { // handle any tab dropdowns $J(document).on('change.ResponsiveTabSelect', 'select.responsive_tab_select', function() { var url = $J(this ).val(); if ( url != window.location ) window.location = url; }); } function Responsive_InitFixOnScroll($) { var $Ctn = $J('.responsive_fixonscroll_ctn'); var $Elements = $J('.responsive_fixonscroll'); if ( $Elements.length ) { var nCtnTop = -1; var nCtnHeight = 0; $J(window).on('scroll.ResponsiveFixOnScroll resize.ResponsiveFixOnScroll', function() { var nHeaderOffset = GetResponsiveHeaderFixedOffsetAdjustment(); var nScrollTop = $J(window ).scrollTop() + nHeaderOffset + nCtnHeight; if ( nHeaderOffset != nCtnTop ) { nCtnTop = nHeaderOffset; $Ctn.css( 'top', nCtnTop + 'px' ); } $Elements.each( function() { var $Element = $J(this); if ( !$Element.is(':visible') ) { if ( $Element.hasClass('in_fixed_ctn') && $Element.data('originalContents') ) { $Element.append( $Element.data('originalContents') ); $Element.removeClass('in_fixed_ctn'); $Element.css('height', ''); nCtnHeight = $Ctn.height(); } return; } var nElementTop = $Element.offset().top; if ( nElementTop > nScrollTop ) { if ( $Element.hasClass('in_fixed_ctn') ) { $Element.append( $Element.data('originalContents') ); $Element.removeClass('in_fixed_ctn'); $Element.css('height', ''); nCtnHeight = $Ctn.height(); } } else { if ( !$Element.hasClass('in_fixed_ctn') ) { $Element.css('height', $Element.height() + 'px' ); $Element.data( 'originalContents', $Element.children() ); $Ctn.append( $Element.children() ); $Element.addClass( 'in_fixed_ctn' ); nCtnHeight = $Ctn.height(); } } }); } ); } } function Responsive_BuildChangeLanguageOption( $MenuItem ) { $MenuItem.click( function() { var $LanguageForm = $J('', {'class': 'responsive_change_language_form' } ); var $SelectBox = $J('', {'class': 'responsive_change_language_select' } ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "english"} ).text( 'English' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "schinese"} ).text( '简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "tchinese"} ).text( '繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "japanese"} ).text( '日本語 (Japanese)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "koreana"} ).text( '한국어 (Korean)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "thai"} ).text( 'ไทย (Thai)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "bulgarian"} ).text( 'Български (Bulgarian)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "czech"} ).text( 'Čeština (Czech)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "danish"} ).text( 'Dansk (Danish)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "german"} ).text( 'Deutsch (German)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "spanish"} ).text( 'Español - España (Spanish - Spain)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "latam"} ).text( 'Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "greek"} ).text( 'Ελληνικά (Greek)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "french"} ).text( 'Français (French)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "italian"} ).text( 'Italiano (Italian)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "hungarian"} ).text( 'Magyar (Hungarian)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "dutch"} ).text( 'Nederlands (Dutch)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "norwegian"} ).text( 'Norsk (Norwegian)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "polish"} ).text( 'Polski (Polish)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "portuguese"} ).text( 'Português (Portuguese - Portugal)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "brazilian"} ).text( 'Português - Brasil (Portuguese - Brazil)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "romanian"} ).text( 'Română (Romanian)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "russian"} ).text( 'Русский (Russian)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "finnish"} ).text( 'Suomi (Finnish)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "swedish"} ).text( 'Svenska (Swedish)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "turkish"} ).text( 'Türkçe (Turkish)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "vietnamese"} ).text( 'Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "ukrainian"} ).text( 'Українська (Ukrainian)' ) ); $SelectBox.append( $J('', {value: "indonesian"} ).text( 'Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)' ) ); var Modal = null; var fnChangeLanguage = function() { if ( $SelectBox.val() != "english" ) ChangeLanguage( $SelectBox.val() ); Modal && Modal.Dismiss(); }; $LanguageForm.submit( function(e) { e.preventDefault(); fnChangeLanguage(); }); $SelectBox.change( fnChangeLanguage ); $LanguageForm.append( $SelectBox ); $LanguageForm.append( $J('', {type: 'submit'} ).hide() ); Modal = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Change language', $LanguageForm, 'Change language' ).done( fnChangeLanguage ); $SelectBox.focus(); }); } function Responsive_RequestDesktopView() { // we can dynamically switch, but this doesn't trigger the phone to zoom out and some elements don't resize right /* $J('html' ).removeClass('responsive touch' ).addClass('force_desktop'); $J('meta[name=viewport]' ).attr('value', '' ); $J(window ).trigger('resize'); */ Responsive_UpdateResponsivePrefs( 'desktop', true ); window.location.reload(); } function Responsive_RequestMobileView() { /* $J('html' ).removeClass('force_desktop' ).addClass('responsive'); $J('meta[name=viewport]' ).attr('value', 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1' ); $J(window ).trigger('resize'); */ Responsive_UpdateResponsivePrefs( 'desktop', false ); window.location.reload(); } function Responsive_UpdateResponsivePrefs( strFlag, bEnabled ) { if ( bEnabled ) { V_SetCookie( "strResponsiveViewPrefs", strFlag, 365 ); } else { V_SetCookie( "strResponsiveViewPrefs", null, -1 ); } } function Responsive_InitResponsiveToggleEvents( $ ) { // initially undefined, so we will fire the events at at start var bTouchFriendly, bSmallScreen, bMobileScreen, bTabletScreen; $(window).on('resize.ResponsiveToggle', function() { if ( window.UseTouchFriendlyMode() !== bTouchFriendly ) { bTouchFriendly = window.UseTouchFriendlyMode(); $(window).trigger('Responsive_TouchFriendlyModeToggled'); } if ( window.UseSmallScreenMode() !== bSmallScreen ) { bSmallScreen = window.UseSmallScreenMode(); $(window).trigger('Responsive_SmallScreenModeToggled'); } if ( window.UseMobileScreenMode() !== bMobileScreen ) { bMobileScreen = window.UseMobileScreenMode(); $(window).trigger('Responsive_MobileScreenModeToggled'); } if ( window.UseTabletScreenMode() !== bTabletScreen ) { bTabletScreen = window.UseTabletScreenMode(); $(window).trigger('Responsive_TabletScreenModeToggled'); } } ).trigger( 'resize.ResponsiveToggle' ); } /* reparent element when screen width is up to MOBILE_RESPONSIVE_CSS_MAXWIDTH */ function Responsive_ReparentItemsInMobileMode( strItemSelector, $CtnOrFn ) { return _Responsive_ReparentItems( strItemSelector, $CtnOrFn, function() { return window.UseMobileScreenMode && window.UseMobileScreenMode(); }, 'Responsive_MobileScreenModeToggled' ); } /* reparent element when we're rendering in the tablet layout (which could be any screen size given docked tablet scenarios) */ function Responsive_ReparentItemsInTabletMode( strItemSelector, $CtnOrFn ) { return _Responsive_ReparentItems( strItemSelector, $CtnOrFn, function() { return window.UseTabletScreenMode && window.UseTabletScreenMode(); }, 'Responsive_TabletScreenModeToggled' ); } /* reparent element when screen width is up to RESPONSIVE_CSS_MAXWIDTH, or we're in TabletScreenMode */ function Responsive_ReparentItemsInResponsiveMode( strItemSelector, $CtnOrFn ) { return _Responsive_ReparentItems( strItemSelector, $CtnOrFn, function() { return ( ( window.UseSmallScreenMode && window.UseSmallScreenMode() ) || ( window.UseTabletScreenMode && window.UseTabletScreenMode() ) ); }, 'Responsive_SmallScreenModeToggled' ); } function _Responsive_ReparentItems( strItemSelector, $CtnOrFn, fnShouldReparent, bEvent ) { var fnReparentItems = function() { var $MoveElements = $J(strItemSelector); $MoveElements.each( function() { var $Element = $J(this); var $OriginalSpot = $Element.data('originalSpot' + bEvent); if ( fnShouldReparent() ) { if ( !$OriginalSpot ) { $OriginalSpot = $J( '' ); $Element.after( $OriginalSpot ); $Element.data('originalSpot' + bEvent, $OriginalSpot ); } var $Ctn; if ( typeof $CtnOrFn === 'function' ) { $Ctn = $CtnOrFn( $Element ); } else { $Ctn = $CtnOrFn; } $Ctn.append( $Element ); } else { if ( $OriginalSpot ) { // If we've tracked an original parent, put us back $OriginalSpot.after( $Element ); $OriginalSpot.remove(); $Element.removeData( 'originalSpot' + bEvent ); } // Otherwise, we should already be where we want } }); }; fnReparentItems(); $J( window ).on( bEvent, fnReparentItems ); } function Responsive_InitJQPlotHooks( $ ) { if ( $.jqplot ) { $.jqplot.postInitHooks.push( function( name, data, options ) { var jqplot = this; var bWasInResponsiveMode; //replotting is very expensive, so we try to delay if the user is actively resizing var iReplotInterval; $J(window).resize( function() { if ( ( UseSmallScreenMode() || bWasInResponsiveMode ) ) { if ( iReplotInterval ) { // we will reschedule for 100ms from now window.clearInterval( iReplotInterval ); } else { //interval hasn't been scheduled yet, must be the first resize. // set overflow to hidden so the plot doesn't stretch the page while resizing jqplot.target.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); } iReplotInterval = window.setTimeout( function() { iReplotInterval = null; jqplot.replot(); jqplot.target.css( 'overflow', '' ); }, 100 ); bWasInResponsiveMode = UseSmallScreenMode(); } }); }); } } // Enable toggling the local menu via JS // Added so search can support use of a gamepad button to open the filter window var g_fnActivateLocalMenu = false; function Responsive_ToggleLocalMenu() { if ( g_fnActivateLocalMenu ) g_fnActivateLocalMenu(); else console.error("attempted to open a local menu which does not exist"); }