/* handle modal content */ var modalContent = {}; var activeContent; var bodyClassName = ""; var resizeActiveContentTimer = null; var g_bModalModifyAnchorTargets = true; var g_bModalCacheContent = true; // whether or not to reuse old iframes when opening a modal with a previously visited URL function OnModalContentDismissal() { document.body.style.overflow = ''; $('modalContentScrollbarHack').hide(); if ( $('ModalContentContainer') ) $('ModalContentContainer').className = bodyClassName; if ( activeContent.contentWindow.onModalHidden ) { activeContent.contentWindow.onModalHidden(); } // for now, if the window has embedded objects, like YouTube videos, // remove the child to stop the video if ( activeContent.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName( "object" ).length > 0 || activeContent.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName( "iframe" ).length > 0 || !g_bModalCacheContent ) { $('modalContentFrameContainer').removeChild( activeContent ); modalContent[activeContent.src] = null; } else if ( !modalContent[activeContent.src] ) { $('modalContentFrameContainer').removeChild( activeContent ); } activeContent = null; $('modalContent').fire( 'modalContent:dismissed' ); } function InnerAnchorClickHandler_Deferred() { PollResizeActiveModalContent(); HookAnchors(); } function InnerAnchorClickHandler() { setTimeout( InnerAnchorClickHandler_Deferred, 1 ); } function HookAnchors() { // the modal may have been closed by the time we get here if ( !activeContent ) return; if ( g_bModalModifyAnchorTargets ) { var anchorTags; try { anchorTags = activeContent.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('a'); } catch( err ) { // We probably navigated off domain and don't have permission. Dang. return; } for( var i = 0; i < anchorTags.length; i++ ) { var anchorTag = anchorTags[i]; if ( anchorTag.target == "" ) { anchorTag.target = '_top'; } } } Event.observe( activeContent.contentDocument.body, 'click', InnerAnchorClickHandler ); } modalContentLoaded = false; function OnModalContentLoaded() { if ( modalContentLoaded ) return; modalContentLoaded = true; HookAnchors(); $( 'modalContentWait' ).hide(); modalContent[activeContent.src] = activeContent; activeContent.show(); SizeModalContent( activeContent ); } function OnModalContentFullyLoaded() { OnModalContentLoaded(); //catch any pages that haven't been updated if ( $(activeContent).contentDocument.body.setStyle ) $(activeContent).contentDocument.body.setStyle( { 'overflow-x' : 'hidden' } ); activeContent.forceResize = true; SizeModalContent( activeContent ); resizeActiveContentTimer = setTimeout( PollResizeActiveModalContent, 100 ); } function SizeModalContent( activeContent ) { if ( activeContent.sizeToFit ) { SizeToFitScreen( activeContent ); resizeActiveContentTimer = setTimeout( PollResizeActiveModalContent, 200 ); } else { ResizeModalContent( activeContent ); } } function SizeToFitScreen( elem ) { // defer, to give the iframe a chance to figure out its normal size SizeToFitScreen_Deferred.bind( null, elem ).defer(); } // size width until the vertical scrollbar appears function SizeToFitScreen_Deferred( elem ) { var viewport = document.viewport.getDimensions(); var windowWidth = viewport.width; var windowHeight = viewport.height; // if we've already calculated the width, we don't need to do this again if ( ( !elem.forceResize ) && typeof elem.lastWidth != 'undefined' && typeof elem.lastHeight != 'undefined' && elem.lastWindowWidth == windowWidth && elem.lastWindowHeight == windowHeight ) { $('modalContent').style.width = elem.lastWidth + 'px'; $('modalContent').style.height = elem.lastHeight + 'px'; modalSizing( $('modalContent') ); return false; } elem.forceResize = false; var maxWidth = Math.floor( windowWidth * 0.95 ); var maxHeight = Math.max( 300, Math.floor( windowHeight * 0.95 ) ); // size up content, but keep aspect ratio var contentWidth = $(elem).contentDocument.body.offsetWidth; var contentHeight = $(elem).contentDocument.body.offsetHeight; var aspectRatio = contentWidth / contentHeight; var titleBarHeight = 0; if ( $('modalContentTitleBar').visible() ) { titleBarHeight = $('modalContentTitleBar').getHeight(); } // first try to set window at maximum width and figure out what that new height would be, including // title bar and borders var newWidth = maxWidth; var newHeight = Math.floor( newWidth / aspectRatio );// + titleBarHeight + 4; if ( newHeight > maxHeight ) { newHeight = maxHeight; newWidth = Math.floor( newHeight * aspectRatio ); } // remove borders newWidth += 12; /* some space for scrollbar in firefox */ $('modalContent').style.width = newWidth + 'px'; var resized = ResizeModalContent( elem ); elem.lastWindowWidth = windowWidth; elem.lastWindowHeight = windowHeight; elem.lastWidth = newWidth; elem.lastHeight = $('modalContent').getHeight(); return resized; } function PollResizeActiveModalContent() { if ( !activeContent || !activeContent.visible() ) return; var resized = false; if ( activeContent.sizeToFit ) { resized = SizeToFitScreen( activeContent ); } else { resized = ResizeModalContent( activeContent ); } if ( resized ) { resizeActiveContentTimer = setTimeout( PollResizeActiveModalContent, 100 ); } } function ResizeModalContent( elem ) { // the content window should be at most 90% of the usable window height var viewport = document.viewport.getDimensions(); var windowHeight = viewport.height; var windowWidth = viewport.width; var minHeight = 300; var contentHeight = $(elem).contentDocument.body.scrollHeight; var desiredHeight = Math.min( contentHeight, Math.max( minHeight, Math.floor( windowHeight * 0.95 ) ) ); var dialogHeight = desiredHeight; var titleBarHeight = 0; if ( $('modalContentTitleBar').visible() ) { titleBarHeight = $('modalContentTitleBar').getHeight(); dialogHeight += titleBarHeight; } var oldDialogHeight = $( 'modalContent' ).getHeight() - 4; // include the 2px border on top and bottom var oldFrameContainerHeight = $( 'modalContentFrameContainer' ).getHeight(); var oldContentHeight = $( elem ).getHeight(); if ( oldDialogHeight == dialogHeight && oldFrameContainerHeight == desiredHeight && oldContentHeight == contentHeight ) return false; $( 'modalContent' ).style.height = dialogHeight + 'px'; $( 'modalContentFrameContainer' ).style.height = desiredHeight + 'px'; var $Modal = $J('#modalContent'); if ( $Modal.width() > windowWidth * 0.95 ) { if ( !$Modal.data('origWidth') ) $Modal.data( 'origWidth', $Modal.width() ); $('modalContent' ).style.width = Math.max( 310, Math.floor( windowWidth * 0.95 ) ) + 'px'; } else if ( $Modal.data('origWidth') && $Modal.data('origWidth') > $Modal.width() ) { $('modalContent' ).style.width = Math.min( $Modal.data('origWidth'), Math.floor( windowWidth * 0.95 ) ) + 'px'; } //$( elem ).style.height = contentHeight + 'px'; $( elem ).style.height = desiredHeight + 'px'; // re-center modalSizing( $('modalContent') ); return true; } function ShowModalContent( url, titleBarText, titleBarURL, sizeToFit ) { var bIsPanorama = false; if ( navigator.userAgent.match( /Valve Steam Tenfoot/i ) ) bIsPanorama = true; var params = document.location.toString().toQueryParams(); if ( typeof params.insideModal != 'undefined' || bIsPanorama ) { // already inside a modal, go there directly window.parent.location.href = url.replace( "insideModal=1", "insideModal=0"); return; } EnsureModalContentDivExists(); // defer the display of the modal by a frame, so any click event which may have triggered this // has finished propagation ShowModalContent_Deferred.bind( null, url, titleBarText, titleBarURL, typeof sizeToFit != 'undefined' && sizeToFit ).defer(); } function ShowModalContent_Deferred( url, titleBarText, titleBarURL, sizeToFit ) { EnsureModalContentDivExists(); sizeToFit = typeof sizeToFit != 'undefined' && sizeToFit; // reset dialog width and height and show it in the waiting state $( 'modalContent' ).style.width = '990px'; $( 'modalContent' ).style.height = ''; showModal( 'modalContent', false, false ); $( 'modalContent').OnModalDismissal = OnModalContentDismissal; $( 'modalContentFrameContainer' ).childElements().invoke( 'hide' ); $( 'modalContent' ).childElements().invoke( 'hide' ); $( 'modalContentWait' ).show(); // set up the titlebar if applicable if ( typeof titleBarText != 'undefined' && typeof titleBarURL != 'undefined' ) { $('modalContentTitleBar').show(); $('modalContentTitleBarLink').href = titleBarURL; $('modalContentTitleBarImageLink').href = titleBarURL; $('modalContentTitleBarLink').innerHTML = titleBarText; } else { $('modalContentTitleBar').hide(); } // hide the scrollbar and show our fake scrollbar document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; if ( $('ModalContentContainer') ) { bodyClassName = $('ModalContentContainer').className; $('ModalContentContainer').className = "modalBody"; } $('modalContentScrollbarHack').show(); $('modalContentDismiss').show(); // look up the cached iframe and show it or create a new one if ( modalContent[url] ) { $( 'modalContentWait' ).hide(); modalContent[url].show(); SizeModalContent( modalContent[url] ); activeContent = modalContent[url]; resizeActiveContentTimer = setTimeout( PollResizeActiveModalContent, 100 ); } else { modalContentLoaded = false; iframeContent = new Element( 'iframe', { 'class' : 'modalContent_iFrame', 'onLoad' : 'OnModalContentFullyLoaded()', 'style' : 'display: none;', 'scrolling' : sizeToFit ? 'no' : 'auto' } ); iframeContent.src = url; activeContent = iframeContent; activeContent.sizeToFit = sizeToFit; $( 'modalContentFrameContainer' ).appendChild( iframeContent ); $( 'modalContentFrameContainer' ).style.height = 0 + 'px'; } $( 'modalContentFrameContainer' ).show(); return false; } function HideModalContent() { if ( $( 'modalContent' ) ) { hideModal( 'modalContent' ); } } function EnsureModalContentDivExists() { if ( !$('modalContent') ) { $(document.body).insert( {bottom: "