function RegisterSteamOnWebPanelShownHandler( f )
$J(document).on( 'visibilitychange', function() {
if ( document.visibilityState === "visible" )
function RegisterSteamOnWebPanelHiddenHandler( f )
$J(document).on( 'visibilitychange', function() {
if ( document.visibilityState === "hidden" )
function RefreshNotificationArea()
// the new way - updates both the old envelope and responsive menu
function vIE()
return (navigator.appName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') ? parseFloat( ( new RegExp( "MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})" ) ).exec( navigator.userAgent )[1] ) : -1;
function checkAbuseSub( elForm )
if ( !$J(elForm).find('input[name=abuseType]:checked').length )
alert( 'Please select a reason for reporting abuse' );
return false;
var params = $J(elForm).serializeArray();
params.push( {name: 'json', value: 1} );
$ '', params).done( function() {
ShowAlertDialog( 'Thank You!', 'Thank you for reporting offensive content and helping to keep Steam clean and friendly.' );
}).fail( function() {
ShowAlertDialog( 'Report Violation', 'There was a problem saving your report. Please try again later.' );
return false;
var g_whiteListedDomains = [
function getHostname( str )
var re = new RegExp( '^(steam://openurl(_external)?/)?(f|ht)tps?://([^@/?#]*@)?([^/#?]+)', 'im' );
return str.trim().match(re)[5].toString();
function AlertNonSteamSite( elem )
var url = elem.href;
var hostname = getHostname( url );
if ( hostname )
hostname = hostname.toLowerCase();
for ( var i = 0; i < g_whiteListedDomains.length; ++i )
var index = hostname.lastIndexOf( g_whiteListedDomains[i] );
if ( index != -1 && index == ( hostname.length - g_whiteListedDomains[i].length )
&& ( index == 0 || hostname.charAt( index - 1 ) == '.' ) )
return true;
return confirm( 'Note: the URL you have clicked on is not an official Steam web site.\n\n'
+ url.replace( new RegExp( '^steam://openurl(_external)?/' ), '' ) + '\n\n'
+ 'If this web site asks for your user name or password, do not enter that information. You could lose your Steam account and all your games!\n'
+ 'Are you sure you want to visit this page? Click OK to continue at your own risk.\n' );
ShowAlertDialog( '', 'The URL is badly formed.');
return false;
var lastFilters = new Object();
function FilterListFast( target, str )
var lastFilter = lastFilters[target];
if ( !lastFilter )
lastFilter = '';
str = str.toLowerCase();
if ( str == lastFilter )
return false;
var expanding = false;
var contracting = false;
if ( str.length > lastFilter.length && str.startsWith( lastFilter ) )
expanding = true;
if ( !str || str.length < lastFilter.length && lastFilter.startsWith( str ) )
contracting = true;
var strParts = str.split(/\W/);
var elemTarget = $(target);
var elemParent = elemTarget.parentNode;
elemParent.removeChild( elemTarget );
var rgChildren = elemTarget.childNodes;
for ( var i = 0; i < rgChildren.length; i++ )
var child = rgChildren[i];
if ( child.nodeType != child.ELEMENT_NODE )
if ( expanding &&'none' || contracting && != 'none' )
if ( !child.lcText )
child.lcText = (child.innerText || child.textContent).toLowerCase();
var text = child.lcText;
var show = true;
for ( var iPart = 0; show && iPart < strParts.length; iPart++ )
if ( !text.include( strParts[iPart] ) )
if ( show ) = '';
else = 'none';
lastFilters[target] = str;
elemParent.appendChild( elemTarget );
return true;
// goes into fullscreen, returning false if the browser doesn't support it
function requestFullScreen( element )
// Supports most browsers and their versions.
var requestMethod = element.requestFullScreen || element.webkitRequestFullScreen || element.mozRequestFullScreen || element.msRequestFullScreen;
if (requestMethod)
// Native full screen.;
return true;
return false;
function exitFullScreen()
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
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function RecordAJAXPageView( url )
if ( typeof ga != "undefined" && ga )
var rgURLs = [ '', '' ];
for ( var i = 0; i < rgURLs.length; ++i )
var baseURL = rgURLs[i];
var idx = url.indexOf(baseURL);
if ( idx != -1 )
url = url.substring( idx + baseURL.length );
ga( 'send', 'pageview', url );
var g_SNR = false;
var g_strLanguage = 'english';
// given an array of impressions as strings, this will handle joining them all together into a singular string, but enforcing that it doesn't
// go above the cookie size limit which can otherwise cause users to become stuck since the page requests will start failing
function JoinImpressionsUpToLimit( rgImpressions )
//cookies generally can go up to 4k bytes, but we can have problems when we start getting that close, so cut it off earlier
var nRemainingLen = 3200;
var result = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < rgImpressions.length; i++ )
var impression = String( rgImpressions[ i ] );
var nImpressionLen = encodeURIComponent( impression + '|' ).length;
//did we run out of room in our list?
if ( nRemainingLen < nImpressionLen )
//add the separator if not the first entry
if ( result !== '' )
result += '|';
//add our impression and remove that space from what is available
result += impression;
nRemainingLen -= nImpressionLen;
return result;
function RecordAppImpression( appid, snr )
if ( appid == 0 || !snr )
if ( typeof g_bAllowAppImpressions == 'undefined' || !g_bAllowAppImpressions )
var strImpressions = V_GetCookie( "app_impressions" );
var rgImpressions = strImpressions && strImpressions.length != 0 ? strImpressions.split( "|" ) : [];
var strImpressionData = appid + '@' + snr;
rgImpressions.push( strImpressionData );
V_SetCookie( "app_impressions", JoinImpressionsUpToLimit( rgImpressions ) );
// doesn't properly handle cookies with ; in them (needs to look for escape char)
function GetCookie( strCookieName )
var rgMatches = document.cookie.match( '(^|; )' + strCookieName + '=([^;]*)' );
if ( rgMatches && rgMatches[2] )
return rgMatches[2];
return null;
function SetCookie( strCookieName, strValue, expiryInDays, path )
if ( !expiryInDays )
expiryInDays = 0;
if ( !path )
path = '/';
var dateExpires = new Date();
dateExpires.setTime( dateExpires.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * expiryInDays );
document.cookie = strCookieName + '=' + strValue + '; expires=' + dateExpires.toGMTString() + ';path=' + path;
// included data: strCode, eCurrencyCode, strSymbol, bSymbolIsPrefix, bWholeUnitsOnly
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// takes an integer
function v_currencyformat( valueInCents, currencyCode, countryCode )
var currencyFormat = (valueInCents / 100).toFixed(2);
if ( g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode] )
var currencyData = g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode];
if ( IsCurrencyWholeUnits( currencyCode ) )
currencyFormat = currencyFormat.replace( '.00', '' );
if ( currencyData.strDecimalSymbol != '.' )
currencyFormat = currencyFormat.replace( '.', currencyData.strDecimalSymbol );
var currencyReturn = IsCurrencySymbolBeforeValue( currencyCode ) ?
GetCurrencySymbol( currencyCode ) + currencyData.strSymbolAndNumberSeparator + currencyFormat
: currencyFormat + currencyData.strSymbolAndNumberSeparator + GetCurrencySymbol( currencyCode );
if ( currencyCode == 'USD' && typeof(countryCode) != 'undefined' && countryCode != 'US' )
return currencyReturn + ' USD';
else if ( currencyCode == 'EUR' )
return currencyReturn.replace( ',00', ',--' );
return currencyReturn;
return currencyFormat + ' ' + currencyCode;
function IsCurrencySymbolBeforeValue( currencyCode )
return g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode] && g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode].bSymbolIsPrefix;
function IsCurrencyWholeUnits( currencyCode )
return g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode] && g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode].bWholeUnitsOnly && currencyCode != 'RUB';
// Return the symbol to use for a currency
function GetCurrencySymbol( currencyCode )
return g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode] ? g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode].strSymbol : currencyCode + ' ';
function GetCurrencyCode( currencyId )
for ( var code in g_rgCurrencyData )
if ( g_rgCurrencyData[code].eCurrencyCode == currencyId )
return code;
return 'Unknown';
function GetAvatarURLFromHash( hash, size )
var strURL = '' + hash;
if ( size == 'full' )
strURL += '_full.jpg';
else if ( size == 'medium' )
strURL += '_medium.jpg';
strURL += '.jpg';
return strURL;
// need to hold on to this so it doesn't get lost when we remove() the dialog element
var g_AbuseModalContents = null;
function ShowAbuseDialog()
if ( !g_AbuseModalContents )
g_AbuseModalContents = $J('#reportAbuseModalContents');
if ( g_AbuseModalContents )
var Modal = ShowDialog( 'Report Violation', g_AbuseModalContents );
function StandardCommunityBan( steamid, elemLink )
$J.get( '', { 'sessionID' : g_sessionID, 'steamID' : steamid } )
.done( function( data )
var $Content = $J(data);
var Modal = ShowConfirmDialog( "Community Ban", $Content, 'Submit'
).done( function( ) {
var $Form = $Content.find( 'form#community_ban_form' );
$ "", $Form.serialize() )
.done( function( data ) {
if ( !$J.isEmptyObject( elemLink ) )
$J(elemLink).replaceWith( 'Banned' );
else {
}).fail( function( jqxhr ) {
// jquery doesn't parse json on fail
var data = V_ParseJSON( jqxhr.responseText );
ShowAlertDialog( 'Community Ban & Delete Comments', 'Failed with error message: ' + data.success );
} );
}).fail( function( data )
ShowAlertDialog( 'Community Ban & Delete Comments', 'You do not have permissions to view this or you are not logged in.' );
function ReportProfile( steamID )
var $Content = $J('
var $Modal = ShowDialog( null, $Content );
var sURL = '' + steamID;
$J.ajax( {
url: sURL,
type: 'GET'
}).done( function ( data ) {
var $DialogHTML = $J( data );
$Content.replaceWith( $DialogHTML );
$Modal.SetMaxHeight( '850' );
} );
function CEmoticonPopup( $EmoticonButton, $Textarea, strBaseURL )
this.m_$EmoticonButton = $EmoticonButton;
this.m_$TextArea = $Textarea;
this.m_strBaseURL = strBaseURL || '';
if ( CEmoticonPopup.sm_deferEmoticonsLoaded == null )
CEmoticonPopup.sm_deferEmoticonsLoaded = new jQuery.Deferred();
this.m_bVisible = false;
this.m_$Popup = null;
var _this = this;
this.m_$'mouseenter', function() { _this.LoadEmoticons(); } );
this.m_$ function() { _this.LoadEmoticons(); CEmoticonPopup.sm_deferEmoticonsLoaded.done( function() { _this.OnButtonClick(); } ) } );
this.m_fnOnDocumentClick = function() { _this.DismissPopup(); };
CEmoticonPopup.sm_rgEmoticons = [];
CEmoticonPopup.sm_bEmoticonsLoaded = false;
CEmoticonPopup.sm_deferEmoticonsLoaded = null;
CEmoticonPopup.prototype.LoadEmoticons = function()
if ( CEmoticonPopup.sm_bEmoticonsLoaded )
CEmoticonPopup.sm_bEmoticonsLoaded = true;
CEmoticonPopup.sm_rgEmoticons = [];
$J.get( this.m_strBaseURL + '/actions/EmoticonList' )
.done( function(data) {
if ( data )
CEmoticonPopup.sm_rgEmoticons = data;
}).always( function() { CEmoticonPopup.sm_deferEmoticonsLoaded.resolve() } );
CEmoticonPopup.prototype.OnButtonClick = function()
if ( this.m_bVisible )
if ( !this.m_$Popup )
PositionEmoticonHover( this.m_$Popup, this.m_$EmoticonButton );
this.m_$EmoticonButton.addClass( 'focus' );
this.m_$Popup.fadeIn( 'fast' );
this.m_bVisible = true;
if ( window.UseSmallScreenMode && window.UseSmallScreenMode() )
// scroll such that the emoticon button is just above the popup window we're showing at the bottom of the screen
// the 10 pixels represents the popup being positioned 5px from the bottom of the screen, and 5px between the popup and button
$J(window).scrollTop( this.m_$EmoticonButton.offset().top - $J(window).height() + this.m_$Popup.height() + this.m_$EmoticonButton.height() + 10 );
var _this = this;
window.setTimeout( function() { $J(document).one( 'click.EmoticonPopup', _this.m_fnOnDocumentClick ) }, 0 );
CEmoticonPopup.prototype.DismissPopup = function()
this.m_$Popup.fadeOut( 'fast' );
this.m_$EmoticonButton.removeClass( 'focus' );
this.m_bVisible = false;
$J(document).off( 'click.EmoticonPopup' );
CEmoticonPopup.prototype.BuildPopup = function()
this.m_$Popup = $J('', {'class': 'emoticon_popup_ctn' } );
var $PopupInner = $J('', {'class': 'emoticon_popup' } );
this.m_$Popup.append( $PopupInner );
var $Content = $J('', {'class': 'emoticon_popup_content' } );
$PopupInner.append( $Content );
for( var i = 0; i < CEmoticonPopup.sm_rgEmoticons.length; i++ )
var strEmoticonName = CEmoticonPopup.sm_rgEmoticons[i].replace( /:/g, '' );
var strEmoticonURL = '' + strEmoticonName;
var $Emoticon = $J('', {'class': 'emoticon_option', 'data-emoticon': strEmoticonName } );
var $Img = $J('', {'src': strEmoticonURL, 'class': 'emoticon' } );
$Emoticon.append( $Img );
$ this.GetEmoticonClickClosure( strEmoticonName ) );
$Content.append( $Emoticon );
$J(document.body).append( this.m_$Popup );
PositionEmoticonHover( this.m_$Popup, this.m_$EmoticonButton );
CEmoticonPopup.prototype.GetEmoticonClickClosure = function ( strEmoticonName )
var _this = this;
var strTextToInsert = ':' + strEmoticonName + ':';
return function() {
var elTextArea = _this.m_$TextArea[0];
if ( elTextArea )
var nSelectionStart = elTextArea.selectionStart;
elTextArea.value = elTextArea.value.substr( 0, nSelectionStart ) + strTextToInsert + elTextArea.value.substr( nSelectionStart );
elTextArea.selectionStart = nSelectionStart + strTextToInsert.length;
if ( window.DismissEmoticonHover )
window.setTimeout( DismissEmoticonHover, 1 );
function PositionEmoticonHover( $Hover, $Target )
// we position fixed in CSS for responsive mode
if ( window.UseSmallScreenMode && window.UseSmallScreenMode() )
$Hover.css( 'left', '' ).css('top', '' );
$Hover.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
var offset = $Target.offset();
$Hover.css( 'left', offset.left + 'px' );
$Hover.css( 'top', + 'px');
var $HoverBox = $Hover.children( '.emoticon_popup' );
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var $HoverArrowRight = $Hover.children( '.miniprofile_arrow_right' );
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var nWindowScrollLeft = $J(window).scrollLeft();
var nViewportWidth = $J(window).width();
var nViewportHeight = $J(window).height();
var $HoverArrow = $HoverArrowRight;
var nBoxRightViewport = ( offset.left - nWindowScrollLeft ) + $Target.outerWidth() + $HoverBox.width();
var nSpaceRight = nViewportWidth - nBoxRightViewport;
var nSpaceLeft = offset.left - $Hover.width();
if ( nSpaceLeft > 0 || nSpaceLeft > nSpaceRight)
$Hover.css( 'left', ( offset.left - $Hover.width() - 12) + 'px' );
$Hover.css( 'left', ( offset.left + $Target.outerWidth() ) + 'px' );
$HoverArrow = $HoverArrowLeft;
var nTopAdjustment = 0;
if ( $Target.height() < 48 )
nTopAdjustment = Math.floor( $Target.height() / 2 ) - 12;
var nDesiredHoverTop = - 0 + nTopAdjustment;
$Hover.css( 'top', nDesiredHoverTop + 'px' );
// see if the hover is cut off by the bottom of the window, and bump it up if neccessary
var nTargetTopViewport = ( - nWindowScrollTop ) + nTopAdjustment;
if ( nTargetTopViewport + $HoverBox.height() + 35 > nViewportHeight )
var nViewportAdjustment = ( $HoverBox.height() + 35 ) - ( nViewportHeight - nTargetTopViewport );
var nViewportAdjustedHoverTop = - nViewportAdjustment;
$Hover.css( 'top', nViewportAdjustedHoverTop + 'px' );
// arrow is normally offset 30pixels. we move it down the same distance we moved the hover up, so it is "fixed" to where it was initially
$HoverArrow.css( 'top', ( 30 + nDesiredHoverTop - nViewportAdjustedHoverTop ) + 'px' );
$HoverArrow.css( 'top', '' );
$Hover.css( 'visibility', '' );
function InitEconomyHovers( strEconomyCSSURL, strEconomyCommonJSURL, strEconomyJSURL )
var $Hover = $J('', {'class': 'economyitem_hover'} );
var $HoverContent = $J('', {'class': 'economyitem_hover_content'} );
$Hover.append( $HoverContent );
var fnOneTimeEconomySetup = function() {
$J(document.body).append( $Hover );
if ( typeof UserYou == 'undefined' )
var css = document.createElement( "link" );
css.setAttribute( "rel", "stylesheet" );
css.setAttribute( "type", "text/css" );
css.setAttribute( "href", strEconomyCSSURL );
var js1 = document.createElement( "script" );
js1.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" );
js1.setAttribute( "src", strEconomyCommonJSURL );
var js2 = document.createElement( "script" );
js2.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" );
js2.setAttribute( "src", strEconomyJSURL );
var head = $J('head')[0];
head.appendChild( css );
head.appendChild( js1 );
head.appendChild( js2 );
var fnDataFactory = function( key ) {
var rgItemKey = key.split('/');
if ( rgItemKey.length >= 3 && rgItemKey.length <= 5 )
if ( fnOneTimeEconomySetup )
fnOneTimeEconomySetup = null;
// pop amount off the end first if it's present
var nAmount;
var strLastEntry = rgItemKey[rgItemKey.length - 1];
if ( strLastEntry && strLastEntry.length > 2 && strLastEntry.substr( 0, 2 ) == 'a:' )
nAmount = strLastEntry.substr( 2 );
var strURL = null;
var appid = rgItemKey[0];
if ( appid == 'classinfo' )
// class info style
appid = rgItemKey[1];
var classid = rgItemKey[2];
var instanceid = ( rgItemKey.length > 3 ? rgItemKey[3] : 0 );
strURL = 'economy/itemclasshover/' + appid + '/' + classid + '/' + instanceid;
strURL += '?content_only=1&l=english';
// real asset
var contextid = rgItemKey[1];
var assetid = rgItemKey[2];
var strURL = 'economy/itemhover/' + appid + '/' + contextid + '/' + assetid;
strURL += '?content_only=1&omit_owner=1&l=english';
if ( rgItemKey.length == 4 && rgItemKey[3] )
var strOwner = rgItemKey[3];
if ( strOwner.indexOf( 'id:' ) == 0 )
strURL += '&o_url=' + strOwner.substr( 3 );
strURL += '&o=' + strOwner;
if ( nAmount && nAmount > 1 )
strURL += '&amount=' + nAmount;
return new CDelayedAJAXData( strURL, 100 );
return null;
var rgCallbacks = BindAJAXHovers( $Hover, $HoverContent, {
fnDataFactory: fnDataFactory,
strDataName: 'economy-item',
strURLMatch: 'itemhover'
} );
function ShowTradeOffer( tradeOfferID, rgParams )
var strParams = '';
if ( rgParams )
strParams = '?' + $J.param( rgParams );
var strKey = ( tradeOfferID == 'new' ? 'NewTradeOffer' + rgParams['partner'] : 'TradeOffer' + tradeOfferID );
var winHeight = 1120;
if ( Steam.BIsUserInSteamClient() && Steam.GetClientPackageVersion() < 1407800248 )
// workaround for client break when the popup window is too tall for the screen. Try and pick a height that will fit here.
var nClientChromePX = 92;
if ( window.screen.availHeight && window.screen.availHeight - nClientChromePX < winHeight )
winHeight = window.screen.availHeight - nClientChromePX;
var strURL = '' + tradeOfferID + '/' + strParams;
if ( Steam.BIsUserInSteamMobileApp() )
window.location = strURL;
var winOffer = strURL, strKey, 'height=' + winHeight + ',width=1028,resize=yes,scrollbars=yes' );
function Logout()
PostToURLWithSession( '' );
function ChangeLanguage( strTargetLanguage, bStayOnPage )
var Modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Change language', '' );
$ '', {language: strTargetLanguage, sessionid: g_sessionID })
.done( function() {
if ( bStayOnPage )
if( g_steamID )
window.location = '';
else if ( window.location.href.match( /[?&]l=/ ) )
window.location = window.location.href.replace( /([?&])l=[^&]*&?/, '$1' );
}).fail( function() {
ShowAlertDialog( 'Change language', 'There was a problem communicating with the Steam servers. Please try again later.' );
var g_ContentDescriptorPreferences = [ 3, 4 ];
var g_UGCWithNoBlur = {};
var g_bLoadedUGCWithNoBlur = false;
var g_UGCSkipAdultContentCheckForAppID = false;
function LoadUGCWithNoBlur()
if ( g_bLoadedUGCWithNoBlur )
var strUGCNoBlur = WebStorage.GetLocal( 'rgUGCNoBlur', false );
if ( strUGCNoBlur != null )
g_UGCWithNoBlur = JSON.parse( strUGCNoBlur );
function SaveUGCWithNoBlur()
var keys = Object.keys( g_UGCWithNoBlur );
var maxKeys = 1000;
if ( keys.length >= maxKeys )
var rgTemp = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i )
var key = keys[i];
var value = g_UGCWithNoBlur[key];
rgTemp.push( { v: value['timestamp'], k: key } );
rgTemp.sort( function( a, b ) {
if ( a.v > b.v ) { return 1; }
if ( a.v < b.v ) { return -1; }
return 0;
var delta = rgTemp.length - maxKeys;
for ( var i = 0; i < rgTemp.length && i < delta; ++i )
var a = rgTemp[i];
delete g_UGCWithNoBlur[a.k];
WebStorage.SetLocal( 'rgUGCNoBlur', JSON.stringify( g_UGCWithNoBlur ), false );
function ApplyAdultContentPreferences()
var elementsWithAdultContent = $J( '[data-descids]');
if ( elementsWithAdultContent.length == 0 )
for ( var i = 0; i < elementsWithAdultContent.length; ++i )
var e = $J( elementsWithAdultContent[i] );
ApplyAdultContentPreferencesHelper( e, g_ContentDescriptorPreferences, false );
function ReapplyAdultContentPreferences()
var elementsWithAdultContent = $J( '[data-descids]');
if ( elementsWithAdultContent.length == 0 )
for ( var i = 0; i < elementsWithAdultContent.length; ++i )
var e = $J( elementsWithAdultContent[i] );
ApplyAdultContentPreferencesHelper( e, g_ContentDescriptorPreferences, true );
function EditContentDescriptors( publishedfileid, callback )
$J.get( '', { publishedfileid: publishedfileid } )
.done( function( json ) {
if ( json.success == 1 )
var content = $J( json.html );
var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Update Content Descriptors', content );
dialog.done( function() {
var rgCheckboxes = $J("input:checkbox", content );
var add = [];
var remove = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < rgCheckboxes.length; ++i )
let checkbox = rgCheckboxes[i];
if ( checkbox.checked && !checkbox.disabled )
add.push( checkbox.value );
remove.push( checkbox.value );
if ( add.length == 0 && remove.length == 0 )
{ sessionid: g_sessionID, publishedfileid: publishedfileid, add: add, remove: remove },
).done( function( json )
if ( json.success == 1 )
if ( callback )
callback( publishedfileid );
ShowAlertDialog( 'Update Content Descriptors', 'There was a problem updating the content descriptors for this item: ' + json.success );
} );
} );
} );
function HandleRelatedContentDescriptors( $topContainer, $elem, bAnimate )
var checked = $elem.prop( "checked" ) && !$elem.attr( "disabled" );
var descid = $elem.val();
var $container = $elem.closest( '[data-parentdescid]' );
var parentDescID = $ 'parentdescid' );
var childrenDescriptors = $topContainer.find( '[data-parentdescid="' + descid + '"]' );
if ( checked )
// check all ancestors
if ( parentDescID )
var $parentElem = $topContainer.find( '#descriptor_' + parentDescID );
$parentElem.prop( 'checked', true );
HandleRelatedContentDescriptors( $topContainer, $parentElem, bAnimate );
childrenDescriptors.each( function( ) {
var child = $J( this );
child.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ).each( function() {
$J( this ).prop( "checked", false );
HandleRelatedContentDescriptors( $topContainer, $J( this ), bAnimate );
} );
} );
// override where necessary
function HandleNewDynamicLink( newDynamicLinkElement )
if ( newDynamicLinkElement.hasClass( "has_adult_content" ) )
ApplyAdultContentPreferencesHelper( newDynamicLinkElement, g_ContentDescriptorPreferences, false );
function ShowAdultContentWarningDialog( $Link, appid, publishedFileID, callbackFunc )
'appid': appid,
'publishedfileid' : publishedFileID
).done( function( data ) {
switch( data.success )
case 1:
if ( callbackFunc )
var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog('Content May Not Be Appropriate For All Ages', data['html'], 'View Content' );
dialog.done( function ( action ) {
if ( callbackFunc )
ShowAlertDialog('Content May Not Be Appropriate For All Ages', data['html'] );
if ( callbackFunc )
} // switch
} );
function UGCAdultContentPreferencesMenu( elSource )
var $El = $J(this);
var $elSource = $J(elSource.parentNode);
var appid = $'appid');
var publishedFileID = $'publishedfileid');
// warning
var fnViewWarning = function ()
ShowAdultContentWarningDialog( $elSource, appid, publishedFileID, null );
return true;
var $elViewWarning = $J( '' ).click( fnViewWarning ).text( 'View Mature Content Warning' ).addClass( 'option' );
$El.append( $elViewWarning );
// preferences
var fnViewPreferences = function ()
top.location.href = '';
return true;
var $elViewPreferences = $J( '' ).click( fnViewPreferences ).text( 'Edit Preferences' ).addClass( 'option' );
$El.append( $elViewPreferences );
function ApplyAdultContentPreferencesHelper( e, rgContentDescriptorsToExclude, bForce )
if ( !bForce && 'processed_adult_content') )
if ( ( typeof( g_bViewingOwnProfile ) != 'undefined' && g_bViewingOwnProfile ) )
} 'processed_adult_content', true );
var bIsAnchor ='a');
var publishedFileID = 'publishedfileid' );
var bCountryDisallowed = 'adult-disallowed' );
var rgContentDescriptorIDs = 'descids' ) ?? [];
var appid = 'appid' );
var bForceDeBlur = ( publishedFileID && g_UGCWithNoBlur.hasOwnProperty( publishedFileID ) ) || ( appid && g_UGCSkipAdultContentCheckForAppID == appid );
var filteredArray = rgContentDescriptorIDs.filter( function( descid ) { return rgContentDescriptorsToExclude.indexOf( descid ) !== -1; } );
var bHasExcludedContent = filteredArray.length != 0;
if ( bForceDeBlur || !bHasExcludedContent )
e.removeClass( 'has_adult_content' );
else if ( bHasExcludedContent )
e.addClass( 'has_adult_content' );
if ( 'ugclinktextonly' ) === 1 || bCountryDisallowed )
// widget
var $elMenu = $J( '', { 'class': 'ugc_options' } ).append( $J( '