function RequestCurrentUserRecommendationVotes( recommendationIDs ) { if ( !g_steamID ) return; $ '', { 'recommendationids' : recommendationIDs } ).done( function( response ) { if ( response.success == 1 ) { var votes = response.votes; for ( var i = 0; i < votes.length; ++i ) { var vote = votes[i]; if ( vote.voted_up ) { $J('#RecommendationVoteUpBtn' + vote.recommendationid).addClass('btn_active'); } else if ( vote.voted_down ) { $J('#RecommendationVoteDownBtn' + vote.recommendationid).addClass('btn_active'); } } } } ); } function UserReviewVoteUp( bLoggedIn, strLoginURL, id ) { if ( !bLoggedIn ) { var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Error', 'You must be logged in to perform that action.', 'Sign In' ); dialog.done( function() { top.location.href = strLoginURL; } ); return; } UserReview_Rate( id, true, '', function( rgResults ) { $J( "#RecommendationVoteUpBtn" + id ).addClass( "btn_active" ); $J( "#RecommendationVoteDownBtn" + id ).removeClass( "btn_active" ); $J( "#RecommendationVoteTagBtn" + id + "_" + 1 ).removeClass( "btn_active" ); } ); } function UserReviewVoteDown( bLoggedIn, strLoginURL, id ) { if ( !bLoggedIn ) { var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Error', 'You must be logged in to perform that action.', 'Sign In' ); dialog.done( function() { top.location.href = strLoginURL; } ); return; } UserReview_Rate( id, false, '', function( rgResults ) { $J( "#RecommendationVoteUpBtn" + id ).removeClass( "btn_active" ); $J( "#RecommendationVoteDownBtn" + id ).addClass( "btn_active" ); $J( "#RecommendationVoteTagBtn" + id + "_" + 1 ).removeClass( "btn_active" ); } ); } function UserReviewVoteTag( bLoggedIn, strLoginURL, id, tagID, elemID ) { if ( !bLoggedIn ) { var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Error', 'You must be logged in to perform that action.', 'Sign In' ); dialog.done( function() { top.location.href = strLoginURL; } ); return; } var elem = $J( "#" + elemID ); var bRateUp = !elem.hasClass( "btn_active" ); UserReview_VoteTag( id, tagID, bRateUp, '', function( rgResults ) { if ( bRateUp ) { $J( "#RecommendationVoteTagBtn" + id + "_" + tagID ).addClass( "btn_active" ); $J( "#RecommendationVoteUpBtn" + id ).removeClass( "btn_active" ); $J( "#RecommendationVoteDownBtn" + id ).removeClass( "btn_active" ); } else { $J( "#RecommendationVoteTagBtn" + id + "_" + tagID ).removeClass( "btn_active" ); } } ); } function OnUserReviewAward( id, reaction ) { top.location.reload(); }