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Please try again later.' ); }); return false; } var g_whiteListedDomains = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]; function getHostname( str ) { var re = new RegExp( '^(steam://openurl(_external)?/)?(f|ht)tps?://([^@/?#]*@)?([^/#?]+)', 'im' ); return str.trim().match(re)[5].toString(); } function AlertNonSteamSite( elem ) { var url = elem.href; var hostname = getHostname( url ); if ( hostname ) { hostname = hostname.toLowerCase(); for ( var i = 0; i < g_whiteListedDomains.length; ++i ) { var index = hostname.lastIndexOf( g_whiteListedDomains[i] ); if ( index != -1 && index == ( hostname.length - g_whiteListedDomains[i].length ) && ( index == 0 || hostname.charAt( index - 1 ) == '.' ) ) { return true; } } return confirm( 'Note: the URL you have clicked on is not an official Steam web site.\n\n' + url.replace( new RegExp( '^steam://openurl(_external)?/' ), '' ) + '\n\n' + 'If this web site asks for your user name or password, do not enter that information. You could lose your Steam account and all your games!\n' + 'Are you sure you want to visit this page? Click OK to continue at your own risk.\n' ); } ShowAlertDialog( '', 'The URL is badly formed.'); return false; } var lastFilters = new Object(); function FilterListFast( target, str ) { var lastFilter = lastFilters[target]; if ( !lastFilter ) lastFilter = ''; str = str.toLowerCase(); if ( str == lastFilter ) return false; var expanding = false; var contracting = false; if ( str.length > lastFilter.length && str.startsWith( lastFilter ) ) expanding = true; if ( !str || str.length < lastFilter.length && lastFilter.startsWith( str ) ) contracting = true; var strParts = str.split(/\W/); var elemTarget = $(target); var elemParent = elemTarget.parentNode; elemParent.removeChild( elemTarget ); var rgChildren = elemTarget.childNodes; for ( var i = 0; i < rgChildren.length; i++ ) { var child = rgChildren[i]; if ( child.nodeType != child.ELEMENT_NODE ) continue; if ( expanding &&'none' || contracting && != 'none' ) continue; if ( !child.lcText ) child.lcText = (child.innerText || 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', {'class': 'economyitem_hover_content'} ); $Hover.append( $HoverContent ); $Hover.hide(); var fnOneTimeEconomySetup = function() { $J(document.body).append( $Hover ); if ( typeof UserYou == 'undefined' ) { var css = document.createElement( "link" ); css.setAttribute( "rel", "stylesheet" ); css.setAttribute( "type", "text/css" ); css.setAttribute( "href", strEconomyCSSURL ); var js1 = document.createElement( "script" ); js1.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" ); js1.setAttribute( "src", strEconomyCommonJSURL ); var js2 = document.createElement( "script" ); js2.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" ); js2.setAttribute( "src", strEconomyJSURL ); var head = $J('head')[0]; head.appendChild( css ); head.appendChild( js1 ); head.appendChild( js2 ); } }; var fnDataFactory = function( key ) { var rgItemKey = key.split('/'); if ( rgItemKey.length >= 3 && rgItemKey.length <= 5 ) { if ( fnOneTimeEconomySetup ) { fnOneTimeEconomySetup(); fnOneTimeEconomySetup = null; } // pop amount off the end first if it's present var nAmount; var strLastEntry = rgItemKey[rgItemKey.length - 1]; if ( strLastEntry && strLastEntry.length > 2 && strLastEntry.substr( 0, 2 ) == 'a:' ) { nAmount = strLastEntry.substr( 2 ); rgItemKey.pop(); } var strURL = null; var appid = rgItemKey[0]; if ( appid == 'classinfo' ) { // class info style appid = rgItemKey[1]; var classid = rgItemKey[2]; var instanceid = ( rgItemKey.length > 3 ? rgItemKey[3] : 0 ); strURL = 'economy/itemclasshover/' + appid + '/' + classid + '/' + instanceid; strURL += '?content_only=1&l=english'; } else { // real asset var contextid = rgItemKey[1]; var assetid = rgItemKey[2]; var strURL = 'economy/itemhover/' + appid + '/' + contextid + '/' + assetid; strURL += '?content_only=1&omit_owner=1&l=english'; if ( rgItemKey.length == 4 && rgItemKey[3] ) { var strOwner = rgItemKey[3]; if ( strOwner.indexOf( 'id:' ) == 0 ) strURL += '&o_url=' + strOwner.substr( 3 ); else strURL += '&o=' + strOwner; } } if ( nAmount && nAmount > 1 ) strURL += '&amount=' + nAmount; return new CDelayedAJAXData( strURL, 100 ); } else return null; }; var rgCallbacks = BindAJAXHovers( $Hover, $HoverContent, { fnDataFactory: fnDataFactory, strDataName: 'economy-item', strURLMatch: 'itemhover' } ); } function ShowTradeOffer( tradeOfferID, rgParams ) { var strParams = ''; if ( rgParams ) strParams = '?' + $J.param( rgParams ); var strKey = ( tradeOfferID == 'new' ? 'NewTradeOffer' + rgParams['partner'] : 'TradeOffer' + tradeOfferID ); var winHeight = 1120; if ( Steam.BIsUserInSteamClient() && Steam.GetClientPackageVersion() < 1407800248 ) { // workaround for client break when the popup window is too tall for the screen. Try and pick a height that will fit here. var nClientChromePX = 92; if ( window.screen.availHeight && window.screen.availHeight - nClientChromePX < winHeight ) winHeight = window.screen.availHeight - nClientChromePX; } var strURL = '' + tradeOfferID + '/' + strParams; if ( Steam.BIsUserInSteamMobileApp() ) { window.location = strURL; } else { var winOffer = strURL, strKey, 'height=' + winHeight + ',width=1028,resize=yes,scrollbars=yes' ); winOffer.focus(); } } function Logout() { PostToURLWithSession( '' ); } function ChangeLanguage( strTargetLanguage, bStayOnPage ) { var Modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Change language', '' ); $ '', {language: strTargetLanguage, sessionid: g_sessionID }) .done( function() { if ( bStayOnPage ) Modal.Dismiss(); else { if( g_steamID ) window.location = ''; else if ( window.location.href.match( /[?&]l=/ ) ) window.location = window.location.href.replace( /([?&])l=[^&]*&?/, '$1' ); else window.location.reload(); } }).fail( function() { Modal.Dismiss(); ShowAlertDialog( 'Change language', 'There was a problem communicating with the Steam servers. Please try again later.' ); }); } var g_ContentDescriptorPreferences = [ 3, 4 ]; var g_UGCWithNoBlur = {}; var g_bLoadedUGCWithNoBlur = false; var g_UGCSkipAdultContentCheckForAppID = false; function LoadUGCWithNoBlur() { if ( g_bLoadedUGCWithNoBlur ) { return; } var strUGCNoBlur = WebStorage.GetLocal( 'rgUGCNoBlur', false ); if ( strUGCNoBlur != null ) { g_UGCWithNoBlur = JSON.parse( strUGCNoBlur ); } } function SaveUGCWithNoBlur() { var keys = Object.keys( g_UGCWithNoBlur ); var maxKeys = 1000; if ( keys.length >= maxKeys ) { var rgTemp = []; for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i ) { var key = keys[i]; var value = g_UGCWithNoBlur[key]; rgTemp.push( { v: value['timestamp'], k: key } ); } rgTemp.sort( function( a, b ) { if ( a.v > b.v ) { return 1; } if ( a.v < b.v ) { return -1; } return 0; }); var delta = rgTemp.length - maxKeys; for ( var i = 0; i < rgTemp.length && i < delta; ++i ) { var a = rgTemp[i]; delete g_UGCWithNoBlur[a.k]; } } WebStorage.SetLocal( 'rgUGCNoBlur', JSON.stringify( g_UGCWithNoBlur ), false ); } function ApplyAdultContentPreferences() { LoadUGCWithNoBlur(); var elementsWithAdultContent = $J( '[data-descids]'); if ( elementsWithAdultContent.length == 0 ) { return; } for ( var i = 0; i < elementsWithAdultContent.length; ++i ) { var e = $J( elementsWithAdultContent[i] ); ApplyAdultContentPreferencesHelper( e, g_ContentDescriptorPreferences, false ); } } function ReapplyAdultContentPreferences() { var elementsWithAdultContent = $J( '[data-descids]'); if ( elementsWithAdultContent.length == 0 ) { return; } for ( var i = 0; i < elementsWithAdultContent.length; ++i ) { var e = $J( elementsWithAdultContent[i] ); ApplyAdultContentPreferencesHelper( e, g_ContentDescriptorPreferences, true ); } } function EditContentDescriptors( publishedfileid, callback ) { $J.get( '', { publishedfileid: publishedfileid } ) .done( function( json ) { if ( json.success == 1 ) { var content = $J( json.html ); var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Update Content Descriptors', content ); dialog.done( function() { var rgCheckboxes = $J("input:checkbox", content ); var add = []; var remove = []; for ( var i = 0; i < rgCheckboxes.length; ++i ) { let checkbox = rgCheckboxes[i]; if ( checkbox.checked && !checkbox.disabled ) { add.push( checkbox.value ); } else { remove.push( checkbox.value ); } } if ( add.length == 0 && remove.length == 0 ) return; $ '', { sessionid: g_sessionID, publishedfileid: publishedfileid, add: add, remove: remove }, ).done( function( json ) { if ( json.success == 1 ) { if ( callback ) { callback( publishedfileid ); } else { window.location.reload(); } } else { ShowAlertDialog( 'Update Content Descriptors', 'There was a problem updating the content descriptors for this item: ' + json.success ); } } ); } ); } } ); } function HandleRelatedContentDescriptors( $topContainer, $elem, bAnimate ) { var checked = $elem.prop( "checked" ) && !$elem.attr( "disabled" ); var descid = $elem.val(); var $container = $elem.closest( '[data-parentdescid]' ); var parentDescID = $ 'parentdescid' ); var childrenDescriptors = $topContainer.find( '[data-parentdescid="' + descid + '"]' ); if ( checked ) { // check all ancestors if ( parentDescID ) { var $parentElem = $topContainer.find( '#descriptor_' + parentDescID ); $parentElem.prop( 'checked', true ); HandleRelatedContentDescriptors( $topContainer, $parentElem, bAnimate ); } } else { childrenDescriptors.each( function( ) { var child = $J( this ); child.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ).each( function() { $J( this ).prop( "checked", false ); HandleRelatedContentDescriptors( $topContainer, $J( this ), bAnimate ); } ); } ); } } // override where necessary function HandleNewDynamicLink( newDynamicLinkElement ) { if ( newDynamicLinkElement.hasClass( "has_adult_content" ) ) { ApplyAdultContentPreferencesHelper( newDynamicLinkElement, g_ContentDescriptorPreferences, false ); } } function ShowAdultContentWarningDialog( $Link, appid, publishedFileID, callbackFunc ) { $J.get( '', { 'appid': appid, 'publishedfileid' : publishedFileID } ).done( function( data ) { switch( data.success ) { case 1: { if ( callbackFunc ) { var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog('Content May Not Be Appropriate For All Ages', data['html'], 'View Content' ); dialog.done( function ( action ) { if ( callbackFunc ) { callbackFunc(); } }); } else { ShowAlertDialog('Content May Not Be Appropriate For All Ages', data['html'] ); } } break; default: { if ( callbackFunc ) { callbackFunc(); } } break; } // switch } ); } function UGCAdultContentPreferencesMenu( elSource ) { var $El = $J(this); var $elSource = $J(elSource.parentNode); $El.empty(); var appid = $'appid'); var publishedFileID = $'publishedfileid'); // warning { var fnViewWarning = function () { ShowAdultContentWarningDialog( $elSource, appid, publishedFileID, null ); return true; }; var $elViewWarning = $J( '
' ).click( fnViewWarning ).text( 'View Mature Content Warning' ).addClass( 'option' ); $El.append( $elViewWarning ); } // preferences { var fnViewPreferences = function () { top.location.href = ''; return true; }; var $elViewPreferences = $J( '
' ).click( fnViewPreferences ).text( 'Edit Preferences' ).addClass( 'option' ); $El.append( $elViewPreferences ); } } function ApplyAdultContentPreferencesHelper( e, rgContentDescriptorsToExclude, bForce ) { if ( !bForce && 'processed_adult_content') ) { return; } if ( ( typeof( g_bViewingOwnProfile ) != 'undefined' && g_bViewingOwnProfile ) ) { return; } 'processed_adult_content', true ); var bIsAnchor ='a'); var publishedFileID = 'publishedfileid' ); var bCountryDisallowed = 'adult-disallowed' ); var rgContentDescriptorIDs = 'descids' ) ?? []; var appid = 'appid' ); var bForceDeBlur = ( publishedFileID && g_UGCWithNoBlur.hasOwnProperty( publishedFileID ) ) || ( appid && g_UGCSkipAdultContentCheckForAppID == appid ); var filteredArray = rgContentDescriptorIDs.filter( function( descid ) { return rgContentDescriptorsToExclude.indexOf( descid ) !== -1; } ); var bHasExcludedContent = filteredArray.length != 0; if ( bForceDeBlur || !bHasExcludedContent ) { e.removeClass( 'has_adult_content' ); } else if ( bHasExcludedContent ) { e.addClass( 'has_adult_content' ); } if ( 'ugclinktextonly' ) === 1 || bCountryDisallowed ) { } else { // widget { var $elMenu = $J( '
', { 'class': 'ugc_options' } ).append( $J( '
' ) ); $elMenu.v_tooltip( { 'tooltipClass': 'ugc_options_tooltip', 'location': 'bottom left', 'offsetY': -20, 'useClickEvent': true, 'useMouseEnterEvent': false, 'preventDefault': true, 'stopPropagation': true, func: UGCAdultContentPreferencesMenu } ); e.append( $elMenu ); } // warning if ( e.width() > 100 && !e.hasClass( 'ugc_show_warning_image' ) && !e.hasClass( 'dynamiclink_box' ) ) { var $elWarning = $J( '
', { 'class': 'ugc_warning' } ); if ( e.width() > 350 ) { $elWarning.addClass( "large" ); } if ( e.height() > 125 ) { e.addClass( "ugc_show_warning_image" ); } else { $elWarning.append( $J( '
', { 'class': 'ugc_warning_image' } ) ); } $elWarning.append( $J( '', { 'text': 'Content may not be appropriate based on your preferences '} ) ); var $elOptions = $J( '
' ); var $elViewOption = $J( '
', { 'class': 'ugc_inline_option', 'text': 'View Content' } ); $ function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if ( bIsAnchor && !e.hasClass( "modalContentLink" ) ) { top.location.href = e[0].href; } else { e.removeClass( 'has_adult_content' );; e.addClass( 'has_adult_content' ); } return false; } ); $elOptions.append( $elViewOption ); $elOptions.append( " | " ); var $elPreferencesOption = $J( '
', { 'class': 'ugc_inline_option', 'text': 'Edit Preferences' } ); $ function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); top.location.href = ''; return false; } ); $elOptions.append( $elPreferencesOption ); $elWarning.append( $elOptions ); e.append( $elWarning ); } else { e.addClass( "ugc_show_warning_image" ); } } } function abuseSSDescripCheck() { var chkd_inap = $('abuseType1').checked; var chkd_cprt = $('abuseType5').checked; if ( chkd_inap ) { $('abuseDescriptionLabel').setStyle( { color: '#777777', fontStyle: 'italic' } ); $('abuseDescriptionArea').disable(); $('abuseDescriptionArea').clear(); } else if ( chkd_cprt ) { $('abuseDescriptionLabel').setStyle( { color: '#898989', fontStyle: 'normal' } ); $('abuseDescriptionArea').enable(); $('abuseDescriptionArea').focus(); } } function BindOnHashChange( fnCallback ) { if ( 'onhashchange' in window ) { Event.observe( window, 'hashchange', function(e) { fnCallback( this.location.hash ); } ); } else { new LocationHashObserver( null, 0.1, function( el, hash ) { fnCallback( hash ); } ); } } LocationHashObserver = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, { getValue: function() { return window.location.hash; } } ); var CAutoSizingTextArea = Class.create( { m_elTextArea: null, m_nMinHeight: 20, m_nMaxHeight: 500, m_cCurrentSize: Number.MAX_VALUE, m_fnChangeCallback: null, m_nTextAreaPadding: null, initialize: function( elTextArea, nMinHeight, fnChangeCallback ) { this.m_elTextArea = elTextArea; var _this = this; $J(this.m_elTextArea ).on( 'keyup blur click paste cut', function( e ) { if ( e.type == 'paste' || e.type == 'blur' ) _this.OnPasteText(); else _this.OnTextInput(); }); = 'hidden'; this.m_cEntryLength = Number.MAX_VALUE; this.m_nMinHeight = nMinHeight || 20; this.m_fnChangeCallback = fnChangeCallback || null; = this.m_nMinHeight + 'px'; this.OnTextInput(); }, CalculatePadding: function() { // briefly empty the text area and set the height so we can see how much padding there is var strContents = this.m_elTextArea.value; this.m_elTextArea.value = ''; = this.m_nMinHeight + 'px'; this.m_nTextAreaPadding = this.m_elTextArea.scrollHeight - this.m_nMinHeight; this.m_elTextArea.value = strContents; }, OnPasteText: function() { this.OnTextInput.bind( this ).defer(); }, OnTextInput: function() { var iScrollOffset = undefined; var cNewLength = this.m_elTextArea.value.length; // we delay this until first input as some values get reported incorrectly if the element isn't visible. if ( this.m_nTextAreaPadding === null && $J(this.m_elTextArea ).is(':visible') ) this.CalculatePadding(); // force a resize if ( cNewLength < this.m_cEntryLength ) { // when we shrink this box, we might scroll the window. Remember where we are so we can jump back iScrollOffset = window.scrollY; = this.m_nMinHeight + 'px'; } if ( this.m_elTextArea.scrollHeight > this.m_nMaxHeight ) { = this.m_nMaxHeight + 'px'; = 'auto'; } else if ( this.m_elTextArea.scrollHeight != this.m_elTextArea.getHeight() ) { var nHeight = Math.max( this.m_elTextArea.scrollHeight, this.m_nMinHeight ); = ( nHeight - this.m_nTextAreaPadding ) + 'px'; if ( == 'auto' ) = 'hidden'; } if ( this.m_fnChangeCallback ) this.m_fnChangeCallback( this.m_elTextArea ); if ( iScrollOffset ) window.scrollTo( window.scrollX, iScrollOffset ); this.m_cEntryLength = cNewLength; } }); function UpdateParameterInCurrentURL( strParamName, strParamValue, rgRemoveParameters ) { var path = window.location.pathname; var query =; var params = {}; if ( query && query.length > 2 ) params = $J.deparam( query.substr( 1 ) ); if ( strParamValue === null ) delete params[strParamName]; else params[strParamName] = strParamValue; // comment thread specific if ( rgRemoveParameters ) for( var i = 0; i < rgRemoveParameters.length; i++ ) delete params[ rgRemoveParameters[i] ]; query = $J.param( params ); return path + ( query ? '?' + query : '' ); } var g_rgCommentThreads = {}; function InitializeCommentThread( type, name, rgCommentData, url, nQuoteBoxHeight ) { // see if we have a custom comment thread class for this type var commentclass = CCommentThread; if ( window['CCommentThread' + type] ) commentclass = window['CCommentThread' + type]; g_rgCommentThreads[name] = new commentclass( type, name, rgCommentData, url, nQuoteBoxHeight ); } function BindCommentThreadSubscribeButtons( type, owner, gidfeature, gidfeature2, btnSubscribe, btnUnsubscribe ) { var CommentThread = FindCommentThread( type, owner, gidfeature, gidfeature2 ); if ( CommentThread ) CommentThread.BindSubscribeButtons( btnSubscribe, btnUnsubscribe ); } function FindCommentThread( type, owner, gidFeature, gidFeature2 ) { for ( var key in g_rgCommentThreads ) { if ( g_rgCommentThreads[key].BMatches( type, owner, gidFeature, gidFeature2 ) ) return g_rgCommentThreads[key]; } return null; } var CCommentThread = Class.create( { m_strName: null, m_strCommentThreadType: null, m_rgCommentData: null, m_strActionURL: null, m_elTextArea: null, m_cPageSize: null, m_nQuoteBoxHeight: 40, m_cTotalCount: 0, m_iCurrentPage: 0, m_cMaxPages: 0, m_cDropdownPages: 0, m_bLoading: false, m_bLoadingUserHasUpVoted : false, m_cUpVotes: 0, m_bIncludeRaw: false, m_rgRawCommentCache: null, m_bHasPaging: true, m_bTrackNavigation: false, // should we track navigation in the URL? // these vars are id's we'll update when values change m_votecountID: null, m_voteupID: null, m_commentcountID: null, m_oTextAreaSizer: null, m_bSubscribed: null, m_$SubscribeCheckbox: null, initialize: function( type, name, rgCommentData, url, nQuoteBoxHeight ) { this.m_strName = name; this.m_strCommentThreadType = type; this.m_rgCommentData = rgCommentData; this.m_strActionURL = url; this.m_nQuoteBoxHeight = nQuoteBoxHeight; var start = rgCommentData['start'] ? rgCommentData['start'] : 0; this.m_cTotalCount = rgCommentData['total_count']; this.m_cPageSize = rgCommentData['pagesize']; this.m_iCurrentPage = Math.floor( start / this.m_cPageSize ); this.m_cMaxPages = Math.ceil( this.m_cTotalCount / this.m_cPageSize ); this.m_bLoadingUserHasUpVoted = rgCommentData['has_upvoted']; this.m_cUpVotes = rgCommentData['upvotes']; this.m_votecountID = rgCommentData['votecountid']; this.m_voteupID = rgCommentData['voteupid']; this.m_commentcountID = rgCommentData['commentcountid']; this.m_bSubscribed = rgCommentData['subscribed']; this.m_bHasPaging = !rgCommentData['no_paging']; this.m_bTrackNavigation = !!rgCommentData['track_navigation']; var strPrefix = 'commentthread_' + this.m_strName; this.m_elTextArea = $( strPrefix + '_textarea'); if ( rgCommentData['comments_raw'] ) { this.m_bIncludeRaw = true; this.m_rgRawCommentCache = rgCommentData['comments_raw']; rgCommentData['comments_raw'] = undefined; } if ( this.m_elTextArea ) { var elSaveButton = $('commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_submit_container'); var iMinHeight = this.m_nQuoteBoxHeight; if ( this.m_strName.startsWith( 'Profile_' ) ) iMinHeight = 20; this.m_oTextAreaSizer = new CAutoSizingTextArea( this.m_elTextArea, iMinHeight, this.OnTextInput.bind( this, elSaveButton ) ); } var _this = this; if ( this.m_bHasPaging ) { $(strPrefix + '_pagebtn_prev').observe( 'click', this.OnPagingButtonClick.bindAsEventListener( this , this.PrevPage ) ); $(strPrefix + '_fpagebtn_prev').observe( 'click', this.OnPagingButtonClick.bindAsEventListener( this , this.PrevPage ) ); $(strPrefix + '_pagebtn_next').observe( 'click', this.OnPagingButtonClick.bindAsEventListener( this , this.NextPage ) ); $(strPrefix + '_fpagebtn_next').observe( 'click', this.OnPagingButtonClick.bindAsEventListener( this , this.NextPage ) ); if ( this.m_bTrackNavigation && window.history && window.history.pushState ) { window.history.replaceState( {comment_thread_page: this.m_iCurrentPage }, '' ); $J(window).on('popstate', function( e ) { var oState = e.originalEvent.state; if ( oState && typeof oState.comment_thread_page != 'undefined' ) _this.GoToPage( oState.comment_thread_page ); }); } } var elForm = $( strPrefix + '_form'); if ( elForm ) { elForm.observe( 'submit', this.OnSubmit.bind( this ) ); } var elSubmit = $(strPrefix + '_submit'); if ( elSubmit ) { elSubmit.observe( 'click', this.OnSubmit.bind( this ) ); } var elAutosubscribe = $(strPrefix + '_autosubscribe' ); if ( elAutosubscribe ) { // initialize check state based on preferences elAutosubscribe.checked = this.m_bSubscribed || GetValueLocalStorage( 'forum_autosubscribe', false ); elAutosubscribe.observe( 'change', this.OnAutosubscribeToggle.bind( this ) ); } var elSubscribe = $(strPrefix + '_subscribe'); var elUnsubscribe = $(strPrefix + '_unsubscribe' ); if ( elSubscribe && elUnsubscribe ) { this.BindSubscribeButtons( elSubscribe, elUnsubscribe ); } this.m_$SubscribeCheckbox = $J('#' + strPrefix + '_subscribe_checkbox'); this.m_$ function() { if ( _this.m_$SubscribeCheckbox.hasClass( 'waiting' ) ) return; if ( _this.m_bSubscribed ) _this.Unsubscribe( function() {}, function() {ShowAlertDialog('Subscribe to thread', 'There was a problem updating your subscription. Please try again later.');}); else _this.Subscribe( function() {}, function() {ShowAlertDialog('Subscribe to thread', 'There was a problem updating your subscription. Please try again later.');}); }); this.UpdatePagingDisplay(); this.HighlightComment(); }, HighlightComment: function() { var urlParams = new URLSearchParams( ); var gidComment = urlParams.get( 'gidcommenthighlight' ); if ( gidComment ) { $J( "#comment_" + gidComment ).addClass( 'highlighted' ); setTimeout( function() { $J( "#comment_" + gidComment )[0].scrollIntoView(); },500 ); } }, BMatches: function( strType, steamidOwner, gidFeature, gidFeature2 ) { return this.m_strCommentThreadType == strType && this.m_rgCommentData['owner'] == steamidOwner && this.m_rgCommentData['feature'] == gidFeature && this.m_rgCommentData['feature2'] == gidFeature2; }, CheckTextAreaSize: function() { this.m_oTextAreaSizer.OnTextInput(); }, OnTextInput: function( elSaveButton, elTextArea ) { if ( elSaveButton ) { var strPrepoulatedText = $J(this.m_elTextArea ).data('prepopulated-text'); var bEnteredText = elTextArea.value.length > 0; if ( bEnteredText && strPrepoulatedText && !$J(this.m_elTextArea ).data('replaced-prepopulated-text') ) { strPrepoulatedText = v_trim( strPrepoulatedText ).replace( /[\n\r]/g, '' ); var strEnteredText = v_trim( elTextArea.value ).replace( /[\n\r]/g, '' ); bEnteredText = strPrepoulatedText != strEnteredText; // save so we don't have to keep doing this check as they enter more text. if ( bEnteredText ) $J(this.m_elTextArea ).data('replaced-prepopulated-text', true ); } if ( bEnteredText ); else elSaveButton.hide(); } }, GetActionURL: function( action ) { var url = this.m_strActionURL + action + '/'; url += this.m_rgCommentData['owner'] + '/'; url += this.m_rgCommentData['feature'] + '/'; return url; }, ParametersWithDefaults: function( params ) { if ( !params ) params = {}; params['count'] = this.m_cPageSize; params['sessionid'] = g_sessionID; if ( this.m_rgCommentData['extended_data'] ) params['extended_data'] = this.m_rgCommentData['extended_data']; if ( this.m_rgCommentData['feature2'] ) params['feature2'] = this.m_rgCommentData['feature2']; if ( this.m_rgCommentData['oldestfirst'] ) params['oldestfirst'] = true; if ( this.m_rgCommentData['newestfirstpagination'] ) params['newestfirstpagination'] = true; if ( this.m_rgCommentData['lastvisit'] ) params['lastvisit'] = this.m_rgCommentData['lastvisit']; if ( this.m_bIncludeRaw ) params['include_raw'] = true; return params; }, OnSubmit: function() { if ( this.m_bLoading ) return; var strPrepoulatedText = $J(this.m_elTextArea ).data('prepopulated-text'); if ( strPrepoulatedText && v_trim( strPrepoulatedText ).replace( /[\n\r]/g, '' ) == v_trim( this.m_elTextArea.value ).replace( /[\n\r]/g, '' ) ) { ShowAlertDialog( '', 'Please enter a comment to post.' ); return; } var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { comment: this.m_elTextArea.value } ); this.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( this.GetActionURL( 'post' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: this.OnResponseAddComment.bind( this, ++this.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onFailure: this.OnFailureDisplayError.bind( this ), onComplete: this.OnAJAXComplete.bind( this ) } ); var elAutosubscribe = $( 'commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_autosubscribe' ); if ( elAutosubscribe && elAutosubscribe.checked && !this.m_bSubscribed ) this.Subscribe(); return false; }, DeleteComment: function( gidComment, bUndelete, fnOnSuccess ) { if ( this.m_bLoading ) return; var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { gidcomment: gidComment, start: this.m_cPageSize * this.m_iCurrentPage } ); if ( bUndelete ) params.undelete = 1; this.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( this.GetActionURL( 'delete' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: fnOnSuccess ? fnOnSuccess : this.OnResponseDeleteComment.bind( this, ++this.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onFailure: this.OnFailureDisplayError.bind( this ), onComplete: this.OnAJAXComplete.bind( this ) } ); }, MarkSpam: function( gidComment, authorAccountID, fnOnSuccess ) { if ( this.m_bLoading ) return; var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { gidcomment: gidComment, author_accountid: authorAccountID, start: this.m_cPageSize * this.m_iCurrentPage } ); var thread = this; var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Mark Spam', 'This will give a community ban to the author, add this comment as training data so we can flag these kinds of comments automatically, and clear out all the author\'s comments. Are you sure this is what you want to do?', 'Mark Spam' ); dialog.done( function() { thread.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( thread.GetActionURL( 'markspam' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: fnOnSuccess ? fnOnSuccess : thread.OnResponseDeleteComment.bind( thread, ++thread.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onFailure: thread.OnFailureDisplayError.bind( thread ), onComplete: thread.OnAJAXComplete.bind( thread ) } ); } ); }, ClearContentCheckFlag: function( gidComment, fnOnSuccess ) { if ( this.m_bLoading ) return; var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { gidcomment: gidComment, start: this.m_cPageSize * this.m_iCurrentPage } ); var thread = this; var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Clear Bannable Content Flag', 'This will clear the bannable content check flag on this comment and cannot be undone. Are you sure this is what you want to do?', 'Clear Bannable Content Flag' ); dialog.done( function() { thread.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( thread.GetActionURL( 'clearcontentcheckflag' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: fnOnSuccess ? fnOnSuccess : thread.OnResponseDeleteComment.bind( thread, ++thread.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onFailure: thread.OnFailureDisplayError.bind( thread ), onComplete: thread.OnAJAXComplete.bind( thread ) } ); } ); }, HideAndReport: function( gidComment, bHide, fnOnSuccess ) { if ( this.m_bLoading ) return; var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { gidcomment: gidComment, hide: bHide, start: this.m_cPageSize * this.m_iCurrentPage } ); this.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( this.GetActionURL( 'hideandreport' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: fnOnSuccess ? fnOnSuccess : this.OnResponseHideAndReportComment.bind( this, ++this.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onFailure: this.OnFailureDisplayError.bind( this ), onComplete: this.OnAJAXComplete.bind( this ) } ); }, OnResponseHideAndReportComment: function( nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ) { if ( transport.responseJSON && transport.responseJSON.success ) this.OnResponseRenderComments( CCommentThread.RENDER_GOTOCOMMENT, nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ); else this.OnFailureDisplayError( transport ); }, DisplayEditComment: function( gidComment ) { var elForm = $('editcommentform_' + gidComment); var elTextarea = $('comment_edit_text_' + gidComment); var elContent = $('comment_content_' + gidComment); elContent.hide(); if ('.forum_audit') )'.forum_audit').hide(); $('comment_edit_' + gidComment).show(); $('comment_edit_' + gidComment + '_error').update(''); if ( !elTextarea.value || elTextarea.value.length == 0 ) elTextarea.value = this.m_rgRawCommentCache[ gidComment ].text; if ( !elForm.m_bEventsBound ) { new CAutoSizingTextArea( elTextarea, 40 ); elForm.observe( 'submit', this.SubmitEditComment.bind( this, elForm ) ); elForm.observe( 'reset', this.HideEditComment.bind( this, gidComment ) ); elForm.m_bEventsBound = true; } }, VoteUp: function() { if ( this.m_bLoading ) return; var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { vote: this.m_bLoadingUserHasUpVoted ? 0 : 1 // flip our vote } ); this.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( this.GetActionURL( 'voteup' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: this.OnResponseVoteUp.bind( this, ++this.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onFailure: this.OnFailureDisplayError.bind( this ), onComplete: this.OnAJAXComplete.bind( this ) } ); }, UpdateAnswer: function( gidComment, bExisting ) { // see if it's on the current page if ( this.m_bLoading ) return; if ( !gidComment ) { $modal = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Remove As Answer', 'Are you sure you want to unmark this post as the answer to this thread? You can update this at any time.', 'Remove As Answer' ); } else { var strModalBody = 'You are about to mark this post as the answer to this thread. This will indicate that the original post has been answered and link to this specific post. You can remove this or indicate a different post as the answer at any time if you change your mind.'; if ( bExisting ) strModalBody = 'A different post is already selected as the answer to this thread. Would you like to choose this post as the new answer?'; $modal = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Mark As Answer', strModalBody, 'Choose Answer' ); $modal.SetMaxWidth(500); } var _$this = this; $modal.done( function(){ var params = _$this.ParametersWithDefaults( { gidcommentanswer: gidComment } ); _$this.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( _$this.GetActionURL( 'updateanswer' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: function() { window.location.hash = 'c' + gidComment; window.location.reload(); }, onFailure: function( transport ) { if ( transport.responseJSON && transport.responseJSON.success ) { var strError = 'There was an issue updating this topic answer. Error: ' + transport.responseJSON.success; if ( transport.responseJSON.success == 15 ) { strError = 'You do not have permission to update this topic\'s answer.' } ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', strError ); } }, onComplete: _$this.OnAJAXComplete.bind( _$this ) }); } ); }, GetRawComment: function( gidComment ) { return this.m_rgRawCommentCache[ gidComment ]; }, GetCommentTextEntryElement: function() { return this.m_elTextArea; }, HideEditComment: function( gidComment ) { $('comment_content_' + gidComment).show(); $('comment_edit_' + gidComment).hide(); }, OnResponseEditComment: function( gidComment, nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ) { if ( transport.responseJSON && transport.responseJSON.success) { // no need to hide because render will replace our whole element this.OnResponseRenderComments( CCommentThread.RENDER_DELETEDPOST, nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ); //display the updated comment thread } else { this.OnEditFailureDisplayError( gidComment, transport ); } }, OnEditFailureDisplayError: function( gidComment, transport ) { this.DisplayError( $('comment_edit_' + gidComment + '_error'), transport ); }, SubmitEditComment: function( elForm ) { if ( this.m_bLoading ) return false; var gidComment = elForm.elements['gidcomment'].value; var strComment = elForm.elements['comment'].value; var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { gidcomment: gidComment, comment: strComment, start: this.m_cPageSize * this.m_iCurrentPage } ); this.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( this.GetActionURL( 'edit' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: this.OnResponseEditComment.bind( this, gidComment, ++this.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onFailure: this.OnEditFailureDisplayError.bind( this, gidComment ), onComplete: this.OnAJAXComplete.bind( this ) } ); return false; }, OnAJAXComplete: function() { this.m_bLoading = false; }, OnPagingButtonClick: function( event, fnToExecute ) { event.stop(); this ); }, NextPage: function() { if ( this.m_iCurrentPage < this.m_cMaxPages - 1 ) this.GoToPage( this.m_iCurrentPage + 1 ); }, PrevPage: function() { if ( this.m_iCurrentPage > 0 ) this.GoToPage( this.m_iCurrentPage - 1 ); }, m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber: 0, GoToPage: function( iPage, eRenderReason ) { if ( iPage >= this.m_cMaxPages || iPage < 0 || ( iPage == this.m_iCurrentPage && !this.m_bLoading ) ) return; var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { start: this.m_cPageSize * iPage, totalcount: this.m_cTotalCount } ); this.m_bLoading = true; new Ajax.Request( this.GetActionURL( 'render' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: this.OnResponseRenderComments.bind( this, eRenderReason || CCommentThread.RENDER_GOTOPAGE, ++this.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onComplete: this.OnAJAXComplete.bind( this ) }); }, GoToPageWithComment: function( gidComment, eRenderReason ) { // see if it's on the current page if ( this.m_bLoading || $('comment_' + gidComment ) ) return; // nope, load var params = this.ParametersWithDefaults( { gidComment: gidComment } ); new Ajax.Request( this.GetActionURL( 'render' ), { method: 'post', parameters: params, onSuccess: this.OnResponseRenderComments.bind( this, eRenderReason || CCommentThread.RENDER_GOTOCOMMENT, ++this.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber ), onComplete: this.OnAJAXComplete.bind( this ) }); }, OnResponseAddComment: function( nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ) { if ( transport.responseJSON && transport.responseJSON.success) { $('commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_entry_error').hide(); this.m_elTextArea.value=''; this.CheckTextAreaSize(); this.OnResponseRenderComments( CCommentThread.RENDER_NEWPOST, nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ); //display the updated comment thread if ( $('commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_subscribeoptions') ) $('commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_subscribeoptions').show(); } else { this.OnFailureDisplayError( transport ); } }, OnResponseDeleteComment: function( nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ) { if ( transport.responseJSON && transport.responseJSON.success ) this.OnResponseRenderComments( CCommentThread.RENDER_DELETEDPOST, nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ); else this.OnFailureDisplayError( transport ); }, OnResponseVoteUp: function( nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ) { if ( transport.responseJSON && transport.responseJSON.success ) { this.OnResponseRenderComments( CCommentThread.RENDER_GOTOCOMMENT, nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ); this.m_bLoadingUserHasUpVoted = !this.m_bLoadingUserHasUpVoted; // we can switch this to getting from the response after 8/24/2012 this.m_cUpVotes = transport.responseJSON.upvotes; if ( this.m_votecountID && $(this.m_votecountID) && transport.responseJSON.votetext ) { $(this.m_votecountID).innerHTML = transport.responseJSON.votetext; } if ( this.m_voteupID && $(this.m_voteupID) ) { if ( this.m_bLoadingUserHasUpVoted ) $(this.m_voteupID).addClassName('active'); else $(this.m_voteupID).removeClassName('active'); } } else this.OnFailureDisplayError( transport ); }, OnFailureDisplayError: function( transport ) { this.DisplayError( $('commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_entry_error'), transport ); }, DisplayError: function( elError, transport ) { var strMessage = 'Sorry, some kind of error has occurred: '; if ( transport.responseJSON && transport.responseJSON.error ) strMessage += transport.responseJSON.error; else strMessage += 'There was an error communicating with the network. Please try again later.'; elError.update( strMessage );; }, OnResponseRenderComments: function( eRenderReason, nAjaxSequenceNumber, transport ) { if ( this.m_nRenderAjaxSequenceNumber != nAjaxSequenceNumber ) return; if ( transport.responseJSON ) { var response = transport.responseJSON; this.m_cTotalCount = response.total_count; this.m_cMaxPages = Math.ceil( response.total_count / response.pagesize ); this.m_iCurrentPage = Math.floor( response.start / response.pagesize ); if ( response.comments_raw ) this.m_rgRawCommentCache = response.comments_raw; if ( this.m_commentcountID && $(this.m_commentcountID) ) $(this.m_commentcountID).innerHTML = this.m_cTotalCount; if ( this.m_cTotalCount <= response.start && this.m_iCurrentPage > 0 ) { // this page is no logner valid, flip back a page (deferred so that the AJAX handler exits and reset m_bLoading) this.GoToPage.bind( this, this.m_iCurrentPage - 1 ).defer(); return; } if ( this.m_bTrackNavigation && window.history && window.history.pushState ) { var params = ? $J.deparam( ) : {}; if ( ( !params['ctp'] && this.m_iCurrentPage != 0 ) || ( params['ctp'] && params['ctp'] != this.m_iCurrentPage + 1 ) ) { var fnStateUpdate = window.history.pushState.bind( window.history ); var url = UpdateParameterInCurrentURL( 'ctp', this.m_iCurrentPage == 0 ? null : this.m_iCurrentPage + 1, ['tscn'] ); if ( eRenderReason == CCommentThread.RENDER_GOTOPAGE_HASHCHANGE || eRenderReason == CCommentThread.RENDER_GOTOCOMMENT_HASHCHANGE ) { fnStateUpdate = window.history.replaceState.bind( window.history ); if ( eRenderReason == CCommentThread.RENDER_GOTOCOMMENT_HASHCHANGE ) url += window.location.hash; } fnStateUpdate( { comment_thread_page: this.m_iCurrentPage }, '', url ); } } this.DoTransitionToNewPosts( response, eRenderReason ); // if we're viewing the most recent page of comments, refresh notifications if ( ( !this.m_rgCommentData['oldestfirst'] && this.m_iCurrentPage == 0 ) || this.m_rgCommentData['oldestfirst'] && ( this.m_iCurrentPage + 1 ) * this.m_cPageSize > this.m_cTotalCount ) { RefreshNotificationArea(); } this.UpdatePagingDisplay(); } }, DoTransitionToNewPosts: function( response, eRenderReason ) { var strNewHTML = response.comments_html; var elPosts = $('commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_posts' ); var elContainer = $('commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_postcontainer' ); = elContainer.getHeight() + 'px'; = 'hidden'; var bNewPost = ( eRenderReason == CCommentThread.RENDER_NEWPOST ); if ( bNewPost && this.m_cTotalCount <= this.m_cPageSize && !this.m_rgCommentData['oldestfirst'] && !this.m_rgCommentData['newestfirstpagination'] ) { = 'relative'; = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = '0px'; } else { = 'static'; } elPosts.update( strNewHTML ); ScrollToIfNotInView( $('commentthread_' + this.m_strName + '_area'), 40, 20 ); if ( elContainer.effect ) elContainer.effect.cancel(); ( function() { elContainer.effect = new Effect.Morph( elContainer, { style: 'height: ' + elPosts.getHeight() + 'px', duration: 0.25, afterFinish: function() { = 'static'; = 'auto'; = ''; } } ); }).defer(); }, UpdatePagingDisplay: function() { if ( !this.m_bHasPaging ) return; var strPrefix = 'commentthread_' + this.m_strName; // this element not displayed on the forum topic page $(strPrefix + '_totalcount') && $(strPrefix + '_totalcount').update( v_numberformat( this.m_cTotalCount ) ); var rgPagingControls = [ strPrefix + '_page', strPrefix + '_fpage' ]; for ( var i = 0; i < rgPagingControls.length; i++ ) { var strPagePrefix = rgPagingControls[i]; // these elements are displayed on the forum topic page $(strPagePrefix + 'total') && $(strPagePrefix + 'total').update( v_numberformat( this.m_cTotalCount ) ); $(strPagePrefix + 'start') && $(strPagePrefix + 'start').update( v_numberformat( this.m_iCurrentPage * this.m_cPageSize + 1 ) ); $(strPagePrefix + 'end') && $(strPagePrefix + 'end').update( Math.min( ( this.m_iCurrentPage + 1 ) * this.m_cPageSize, this.m_cTotalCount ) ); if ( $(strPagePrefix + 'ctn' ) ) { if ( this.m_cTotalCount > 0 ) $(strPagePrefix + 'ctn' ).show(); else $(strPagePrefix + 'ctn' ).hide(); } if ( this.m_cMaxPages <= 1 ) { $(strPagePrefix + 'controls').hide(); } else { $(strPagePrefix + 'controls').show(); if ( this.m_iCurrentPage > 0 ) { $(strPagePrefix + 'btn_prev').removeClassName('disabled'); if ( this.m_bTrackNavigation ) $(strPagePrefix + 'btn_prev').href = UpdateParameterInCurrentURL( 'ctp', this.m_iCurrentPage == 1 ? null : this.m_iCurrentPage, ['tscn'] ); } else { $(strPagePrefix + 'btn_prev').addClassName('disabled'); if ( this.m_bTrackNavigation ) $(strPagePrefix + 'btn_prev').href = 'javascript:void(0);'; } if ( this.m_iCurrentPage < this.m_cMaxPages - 1 ) { $(strPagePrefix + 'btn_next').removeClassName('disabled'); if ( this.m_bTrackNavigation ) $(strPagePrefix + 'btn_next').href = UpdateParameterInCurrentURL( 'ctp', this.m_iCurrentPage + 2, ['tscn'] ); } else { $(strPagePrefix + 'btn_next').addClassName('disabled'); if ( this.m_bTrackNavigation ) $(strPagePrefix + 'btn_next').href = 'javascript:void(0);'; } var elPageLinks = $(strPagePrefix + 'links'); elPageLinks.update(''); // we always show first, last, + 3 page links closest to current page var cPageLinksAheadBehind = 2; var firstPageLink = Math.max( this.m_iCurrentPage - cPageLinksAheadBehind, 1 ); var lastPageLink = Math.min( this.m_iCurrentPage + (cPageLinksAheadBehind*2) + ( firstPageLink - this.m_iCurrentPage ), this.m_cMaxPages - 2 ); if ( lastPageLink - this.m_iCurrentPage < cPageLinksAheadBehind ) firstPageLink = Math.max( this.m_iCurrentPage - (cPageLinksAheadBehind*2) + ( lastPageLink - this.m_iCurrentPage ), 1 ); this.AddPageLink( elPageLinks, 0 ); if ( firstPageLink != 1 ) elPageLinks.insert( ' ... ' ); for ( var iPage = firstPageLink; iPage <= lastPageLink; iPage++ ) { this.AddPageLink( elPageLinks, iPage ); } if ( lastPageLink != this.m_cMaxPages - 2 ) elPageLinks.insert( ' ... ' ); this.AddPageLink( elPageLinks, this.m_cMaxPages - 1 ); } // update the dropdown list with the total. var $DropdownCtn = $J( '#' + strPagePrefix + 'dropdown'); var $Select = $DropdownCtn.children( 'select' ); if ( true ) { if ( !$Select.length ) { $Select = $J('